Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HAWAII’S “ BLUE” LAWS COXSTITrriON aml I_V\VS Fr:uncd bv tho Missi«uarios LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 1 Miister of tbr ship 01 .. herebv most truly «ifdaroth.it the uan;o of thf |K>rt at whieh the ciuler tuv eommau l lasl anchorod or hove to was whīeh port I left days tgo. I «Hd not he*r ihai any contag'.o’ts «iisea.se was at that time prevailing there or at auy plaee uear by. No man on bxaril iny ship has beon seized by any cont«gious disoase nor have I board of any such disoase on boar«l of any v«?ssel that I h.ivo sp 'ken on my way t> this plaoe. Xo man has«lied or boon si' kof a contag’ous «lisease on b«aard iny vessel dnring tho last «ix months from d«te t)ioreof. On B>>ard ‘ahip Ma»ter. When the cnptain has filledout thc abovo blank, and su ; - acribed bis name bolow. then the I’dot may boar«l the vt-s-ael an«l she naay anchor. Tbe Pilok ahall also deliver to Iho enpiain a whito tl «g whiea he ahall keop flying at iho maii for haM an hour, at whieh timo the tbg ahall t>e returnc*i. By the hoisting of such a Hag it is clearly de< iared that thhip is free frotn ontigioo. If any PiIot vi >late or disreg:ird either oflhfse r#qnisitionis be ahall be Hued ten doIIars for the tirst otfense. If be be RoiUy a second t:me b° shall be tlned twenly dollars aud in this r#tio shall the fine be increa.*«d for every succeHnive of fense e >miuitted. 2 lf tbe Capt.iiQ do not put h!» name to tho hlank certifi cate mcntioned above, tben the PUot shall deliver to h.m a bl*ck and yellow flag, two fourths black, an«J two foartlia yelSow. An<l tbe Captain sha)S hr> »t said tl«g at the maio. And tbe ves*ei ahall not anchor uniii th» port phva!-:ian mil tbe ship, and be togetber wlh the PtIot ahall direct »bere tbe ship sball anchor. lf any P.Iot shall bring a sbip to anchor io vioiat;oj of th:s reqoisition, or knowing that tbere is just grouml to sus pect that tbero u contagioa oo bom). theu such Pilot »hall be fioed fire boodred dollars. 3 If tbe Piloi or Port Phys:eiao board auy ship and after> w»rd d!8cover that the ahip L* of a coutagious eharavter or »ueh a sbip ss is Uahle to qaaratine, in that ca.se the Piiot aod » Pby»icisa ahall be quarant;oed; tbey »boll remain on board tbe ve«eel and nut return on sbore, unlil sncb tim« as it sball be free for the Oapuin and officers also to eome on shore. Wh«never Pilot or Physician wiolalee tbis law he ah&Il be &ned five buodml d >ilars.