Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HV#\ii hOio^u IP miLISHED ]0verv /Vt’temoc esceit scxd*y bt the Holoaua Publisaiog Vt KingSt. (Tbomaa blocl Honolnla, H. I. ptrJfantii, 5; TUe is deliTered by Camer» ; i»t. aua »ubnrb«. Smgl« Copies fo »i i'.e Nt*> L>e«l«, - rs aua at tbe Ofl pal healion. EWUNO NORRIE, - - E p, M. ROONēY, - - Mai NOTICE. Bnsiness Communlcfttion« sbor t ,.dw«ed to i*. M. .KOONEV, I Inln, H. I«\irresponaence &ud OommnmeaUo ii sboald be addreaaed to the 3 llawaii liolomna. No noiioe will 1> lo uuy ftnonjinouft commuuicfttions. Husiness Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD Atto\ ney aiui Couuselor at I t)ilice, Sito of tbe Olil I5etL \Vest Corner of King auel B< 8treots. \. r PETBB80N, ATT01iNBY AT LAW. 065«*; 113 K&abumanu S»reet, Hoi Hawaiian Islands. CHAKLES CREIGHT01 ATTOKN'EV AT LAW. Olllee; 113 Kaahamana Street, Hoi Ilawnhau Isl&nds. PALL NEUMANN. attorxky at l.w 314 Mercbant Street, Hono Matual Tclephono 415. C LAKENOE M T . ASIIF0I \TloHNEY AND COUNSELLOī LA\V. l*m >. OKi Capitol B«ilding. (Hoi Uale), adjoiniug Tost Offioe, Uonolalu.! A. ROSA, attokney at law. So. 1' Kaahumanu St., Hono Hawaiian Islamls. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRAcTOR AND BUILDE 80 King St.. Bell Telepbone F. H. REDWARD. CONTKACTOK axd KUIinEll No. 506 King Street. Honol Hawaiian Islamls. Wm. FOSTER. ATORNET-AT-LAW. 4‘2 Mercbaut Street. Oct 1 A. G eOKKEA, HTATTOKXKY at LAW,_J3 l>07 Merch»nt Street. Honoh jy20 Fernaiides & Oou W1U»LESALK California Winei and Spirits, No. 502 Fort St.. Houolulu, 1 • p n n..- a '.,\ Muinnl Tele.