Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Pire, Lifc & IMlarii INSURANCE. i haktford F.'KE ixsuraxce co., Assets. $ 7.109.S LOKDOX-LAXCASHIRE FIKE IXS. C0.. Assets, $ 4,317,0 THAMES-MERSEY MAKINE IXS. CO~ • Assete, S 6.124,0 XEW YOKK LIFE INSURAXCE CO., Assets, $137,499.1 O. O. BERGER. Geueral Agent for the Hawaiun ilone (-j E E. &( B IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN G roceries, l^rovisions AN'D ITeed, C EAST C0RNER F0RT & KING,STS. New Croods Rec’d By ever}’ Pucket frora tbe Eastern States and Enro Fresb California Produce by every steamer. All orders faitbfully attended to, and Gooils deliver< auy part of tbe city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office Box N«>. 145, TelepboneNo. 92. i’. 0. Box 480. Mutual Ielephoni Tbe Cbeapest Plaee on the Islands to Bua

PANĪHEON SALOON, FOBT AXD I10TEL ST?. Heainn2rters Eiiterprise Brewim Co. TflE Largest Consignment of Becr that ever arrived here, on Draught ■y!4 J. DODD, Prop'r REAL ESTATE AGENCT. — Houses to rent and for sale. Kents collected, conveyancing in all its branches attended to with promptness and despatch. Honoi lu Re_\l Estate Agesct. 103 Fort St. YUYI RESED1ES. aWILL' crmE OmenmpOoa. IkMMika, C*l*rrh, C»oap. aU Skin 1.«*«*. Fesuūe Com jC»ir.U, ma& PUe* In the *ont lono. Hope* »rr eut<rUined lh»t il wlll c«rc Veset«kle «emeAle* »r.d m be naē.1 b> the a«s dcUc»le »iai the rotingr»i ptK« eilWii U» re*rt 8oMtj3Ir*. c. O. (iiliow», Kl»* »«rec», W»y ocder Htrsoay Bm'.. iloaoiolu. YĒE CHAJ?s, i DE,VLEK D! I|bq Fiqe ({ood$ Fine TaiK>ring Fine Cfainese and J*panese Hsndkerchieis Noe. S1 to 33 Nuuanu St Houolu’u, P.O. Box 253. jy5