Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
B. BERGERSE> RINGEP. SEWING MAOHINE COMFY All Kin<ls of Neo<lles for Sale Repairing Done. I>amon’sBl Bethel Street, II<»nololu. P. Box 440. Long Branch Establishment. This Fir>l*Cla«? Bathing R' has been enltrged and ia now < to the puhlie. It is the hest { on the islands to enjoy a Bath, there is no better nlaee to lay 8|>ecial aeeommoOaiion» for I dics. Tramcars pass the door e half hour, and on SaturdayB Sundays every Gfteen miuutes. C. J. SHERWOOD, jv24 i’ropriet< lo\/eJoy &C' Wiqe \ LiquoP Deal 19 Nuuanu Strect We would eall your attonti Our S)»ecial Brands Longlife 4' Fure crean RYE WHISKEY. Frcdericksburg Beer au2 incasksorlx CITY CARRIAGE C Corner KINti and BETHEl ('AR1?I.VUE AT ALL IIOL'K.'L Bolh Telephones No. 113. J S. AN DRADE. Maoaj june 15-tf. VIHQ-!-F ft T-:-CH