Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
=HIRES= ROOTBEER HIRES £ M* HIUES’ l'tPRO\m ROOT 8EEI m uoue nc90£l*c sasvt maok TMS MC(ACE MA*t5 »rt€ OUIMO “ atum*cr~ 5 03000'* Hoof NERVOf?, ARE TOf ♦ Cu l cmn't **». tirwL thir»tT» lt‘* i iMk ;»« nu HIKE:»ROOTBEER pnnS« tk« t»iood. lU'Eiea 5hr pvi!< WH.\TSTHE l»IFTER CNCE ♦ Yoa driok HIRES Rt>OTBEEK rv» ao« ATrwr nci« u»l WHOI <or p;r**ar< *od <w» * »**r»***c'i wcnth u>« »orkL r*T rr. lonie. Yon !*kr || hi AU yw rruww<at or Oruc*r Vr *. loni »nJ crl pKiABurT. — _ ~ v e. E. HIRES, PhlLAOELPH/A >Toon, Xicrht .... > »f»1 »»! iw» *trr«w» I» *i(kt Sr «o Bt 3U(i>’ |* HIRE8 ROOTBKKR Coaid >wJ»lf b* <-h*s<rd. »St»k wtu! • ami tt wo’iUI W For pU»;nsA«. 1»» »aJ T ' «laa.l *nd dnok »p.'i* tb« Sriak lU o«v‘tan><M dr!<^*l. (•ood all tbe ’.ime It mn.we* Sbe l*it£u.>r of tn'<rn>nj(. tk« rtrr(w» it g>viii. lull» tbe «T*rioe*« of ni<ht HIRSS HOOTBBER -4cl .oa*. *p;>et.i;n* i."i *. a laiarj. good •* a lonie. It i« beTond all di.pate a wooderfal bealtb (ti»ia,j dnck. *ik! it u trrj *»«t <or *nr one to 5indenl*nd why tbi* U»o The rool. herb*. b*rt» »nd Nrnr». Irv>et whiek H|RES ROOT B££R U *kUlfulIv in*de. *n* ih-.- idesUc*l thiuc« from whieh pttT*. t*n» g*t U»rlr a tl b«ip ful refnodies. For in.Unee: D<> tob beli<-Te tha« -»ni»*part;i*’i» • «aluaMe r»m«d> • W t |l HIRES KOOTBEER eoalain» m->re-ampan .* tb»n m»i «<.-«*;*ri;;»* Th «»a -tr to other ingredieuu. I» U doiaj; iuor* 10 *dv*uoo pra«-tk’*i trtnper*aA th*n man» peopie neoi. -o I: « a»od «nd m.-omiaended br the tn.,»t i-*utk>u« »ad convrr»tiT« tomper*»i.-e people Tho a «» «empulon» *b«l*iner .»n enj»\T HIRKS EOOTBEER him«elt. *nd reeommend it (o otber« *. »n *»rreoablo and be*lth!al *ul>«!itute for the »trong driuk wttich be opp<i«o. It i* a hometa*dc *nd hom.-makin* be»or**e lt t« Torr eaail» prep*r*d. *ud 4 tbe plain dirvctions *rr followrd. it will alwan be wchv1 E»rrr member <>» tho <*mil». in a thr li*bT to tho itr*ndf*tbcr, c*n enjoy HIKE$ ROOTBEER. and . ver» ooe ,if U>cm wUI b»<. bettcr bealth for eaeh «wallow they uke. It lmprove« the •ppetiū. pnrtāo« tb« Mood. *nd tonc« the wbote «T«tem. Chlldn n Mpeoiall» delight in HIRKS R(KTTBEER Ii« pret'*n« lion interr»«» them. »r.d it» n«c do « Uiem good In «hoti*»:tJ« of home* “HIRO ROOT BEEK that mother madc.“ will he *mon|t tbe b*pple»t neolleoUon* ufchiMhood. BEWARE ’ !>.) not oouf >;ind i( wtth other R...'tb«Tr ]>re)>*r*tton«. *> it »e!,relT un llke *nrtbinK ol»e o< the kiud Bew*r<- of eitr*ct« »>iTem«o<l h>r m*klr>s R.x>(beer *» lbr? »re compo*ed . hiotlj of rolorinj( m*tter *nd <»U* lo cive Ihem ll»Tor, whleh neiie thr n«r»r» *nd eame n*&se*. Hire» lmproT<d Rootl>eer )>*<'k*ir<‘« ra*k. « re*ll» the moi! h*rm!o«* «four f**hi i*ble drink». »et *nd str<-ncttienins tbc blood lt rle*it.e. the m!rn o<th- ; • . . bumor» tb*t .looolop lu kidne» *nd arin*rv dUr**e*. *nd in f*ct. m »n» c*«e tb*t »r *e* from *n impun? »f*tc of the blood. Hire» Improrcd R.»otbeer U offored to the pnblk- "ith (uli confidencc o( lu «eriu |t ront*in« no jK>i»onou« or injurioa» pmiienie* wh*leTer, and *n inf»nt m*r t*ke it w/.n j W r feet s*fet». .fOBBEUS: HOEKUN HOI»LISTER BENSON, SM1TH LE\VIS <V C0 1)RUG CO .) II «ft tV eo. *• " J Honolulu, Oet. 3>1 l< -<IIv \Vbole;*ale Druggist. Uioeen. HOLLlSTER & CO. Importers. Whole.Hilo atul Uotiil l)-»ilor-( in FirLe Cig , a.rs, To'cacco, avu Srrrclrers «A.rticl©s. Agents for the Celebrated a. B. D. PIPEJS. M ADR 1$ PARIS. H(T PUEIFIED WATEK. No Miorob©9. U C8ED BY THE CONfiolJD\TED SODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY—Limiieil. T3e.e3T Pumiah. tla© FoTrra.ta.irrs tiae RXCKPTINU OXR Pure as Ox3rsta*l. &r TRT IT • Cit3T, 7 nng