Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
P()UND MASTER'S NOTICE. NoUee w horeby giren Ui all pe«ous thai there are at Uie Goveniment Ponud »t Makiki on Oct. 14, 1S1M. lj strave«l white stallion bmuded JOE on the right hind leg. 1 red eow branded TL on the left hind | teg. white 8jwt on the forehead aud on the aMonien and the left ear was ent. FAny j>erson or j>ersons owning th«se eow ilml stalliou are requested to eome aud ' take the aame on or before 12 o’eloek noon, FK1D VY, Oot. 26, 1S1M. WM. KA VPA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Oct.|10, 1SSM. Oct 16-lwdy CHterion, Salopn ! KOTICE it> hereby given, that all claims agaiust the Crlterion Saloon s will be settled by Jas. F. Morgau. and all outstanding accounts due the Cbitkrion Saloox aud tho jobbing house of L. H. Df.e up ( to tbe abovo date. are payable to Mr. L. II. Dee. All bills against L. H. Dee, pleaso present immediately for pavment. L. H. DEE. HonoUlu. Oct. 3. 1894. oolO L( )ST. Mra. Naomi has lost*check No. 821 dr*wn on Bishop A Co. Paymeut bas been stopped. The finder will receive a reward by returniug the eheek to S. K. ; Kane wilhin fifteen days from date MRS. NAOMI. Honolulu, Oct 25, 1894. tf-dly JEmpire Saloon, J\MES OLDS, nnrai«TO*; pine Wir 4 2s, Liquojs, 3Seei ALWAS ON 3-kND. C«Mt Nau*sn wd Hotal.Sliwti B*Q r«fepfcMW Ml. Po«t 0&3» 8os U? To L«*t or Leose, A HOU5E os Kie< »ejtt 1« T. K. W»tter» p*rior. ma* nua, t*r*e IwiawMu, XmMcs Mhroo«8. «»N«* ud n«4n Aonwioaeo. hutr oeenpki hv Mr Do.it»-. a vat«t Wo. lo reo?OQ»3hir porty. AMm» aBKABAM FEKNaXD£2 m