Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Guilty. [ARTICLE]

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—I ■ ■ I— Mr. W. M CunningbatQ \vas fine»l $10 aml costs this mornLug by Judge Perry for cttrrying a gun \vithout a liceuse. The learned juage’s tlecision is worthy of preserv ation. Mr. S. G. l\ilder, who is rather nearsighted, and who nct*3d as a spy for tbe Sportsrnen’s association testified to socing <Tunniugham shooting about b 400 yards from the plaee whero bo stood aud adjusted his glassos. A disreputable Chmamau who is iu the euiploy of the ! said S. G. Wilder corroborated the ©vidence of his boss and got most beautifully muddled. Tbree men weut on the wituess stand ' in behalf of the defense and uied «11 and ererjr allegations and ono \vitness admitted the j shooting cf tho blrds. Bef >re Jndge Perry the ev;dence of Mr. S. G. Wilder was paramonnt and the wise raagistrate submitted to the dem*nd of the prosecuting attorney Mr. Carter and fonnd Mr. Cunningham gni!ty. 1he I caso was institutedby the defondauts in the $20,000 damage suit | oj>eued by Mr. , Cnnningham and thev believe that their case has improved throngh this latest at- ' tempt of persecalion. We eom- ( pliment Judge Pern*. Ho makoa a fioe judge*