Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Nearsighted. [ARTICLE]
Ewrv Sand iv a ste im liiiiueh is m.-iK-inn si't excursiou auil tooching al Sms Soaci. ‘A e tlo not tlesiro to make any insir.ua tioiis. lmt we fail to see the bnsiuoss i<f tbe Iittlu boat. i’lie poliee umler the [■resent iumiaeulale gi>verninent is trying to “sbow I ofl, ’ aml we are sarprise<l to see the negleet exhibited iu reganl to tho business earrietl ou by n certain cliqna in the suij launeh. i’he poiiee is al ways on tbe alert when tlie object is to fiud a gaiubhng den ur a fow okl opium smoking ehiuameii. ihey have very littlo to say when “funny transactious are being cousnuiated by wealthy men eveu under the uose of the whole mouuted foroo. When Wilson was Marshal he did wear glasses. But he wasu’t nearsighted.