Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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kamehameha gie SCHlK)L. Tb« ārM %crm of K4nwh*ii>fli* Sch<:oI «iil VlocJ.»y Nor«mber Apf Uoaiioe.i for *iou>sion nv»v be to M:ss Pops «itbcf »« Kaxa«h* Maa j*1 or Miss Pope. wji Iw m the E u*a Kin»fer-<pirt«n Koom. «Ja«oa t Qa.II. S*tnri*; a»omiag» frorn 9-1- 1 ! ab« wiU be to me«t »pphc*ats, :a;Uon ls bftT doil*rs $ō0.) » T«*r. jppiic*nts iwiTtd nnder 12 T«ars of a Oct. 11-lm. CARD OF NOTICE. > Schsrf & Cj.. has rem*'ve«i t : lingt n 6iock Kotel Sireet. w they wili be betler able t.i s 1 .\od piease their Patrons. Will keep on hand all Ihe U papers. Book Slationery, Periodica Xovelties, in all branches ol trude. se 1 F0K S/VL A Complet( Hnnting- Outf Oue lr;sh Setter bltch of best bIood in Amer ca; reg:st( in the A. K. S. B. aml pj broken. I Oue Poiuter b;tch by the e brated Gleubeigh that cjst $1 iu Englaud. Oue Pup five \veeks old fa aod motber thorooghbreēds. Oue Bockboard bailtespe<ri for hanting purposes. One 12 g»Dge P. C. S'n th as good as new uiul in fiue or The above outfit will be sold el Euquire of W. H. CUNNINGHAJV Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf POUXD MASTER’S XOTICE. Noliee is hereby given to all persons | there is at the Goveniment Ponnd a j kiki, one strayed red mare. braude< j on the right hind leg, white spot e i forebead and on tbe haek, both hin< are sho<lod. 1 white staIIiou branded ’ cribable. Any person or persons owned mare are requested to eome and tak sameon or before (he day of sale. 12 o' noon OC’T. 27, ISW. Wll. KAAPA. Ponnd M Oct 18-lw. BEDS ol W0VEN WIRI Th e Luxur OF THE I9th G@ntui A MVsterfQiis Tal Did anybody evef hear how the hanai was jcrown, low the milk jjot tn the coco*nut: mani;o *ecd sown; From whenee the natives eame to peor f*ir Und. And when they died!. where thcy all we happy dosky band* The*< £»ct* are a’l mrsterloos, and n tion get, And U»ere’s other mrsteries qnite a whkh are not fathomed yet: W*ho wae it ran ihe opium rinp zoi liqaor free, 5 How wa* it Cnstoms men were blind tire* coold'nt *ee? Wh<.»« to be the T*mm*nr Uii* most.*ptoos town Who'U «art the Show, i' Q whom shai plaak the ■•aeeOlal ’ down, "no wiii b« Bosa, *nd rnn tbe flrr wiU tbe BockW he, ” Tc doil on the Friseo plaa of th< EepahUe free? * **