Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — A Touching Drama. [ARTICLE]

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A Touching Drama.

- ■ ■» «J Few, if any of the adinirers of the tlrama aro not convorsant with Belasca’« '*Hnzel Kirke” i and reuiomber witb pleasnre the | m«ny pathetic home —like scenes j ]>etweeu DunsUu Kirke antl hissupposed dishonored daughter Hnzel and dolightfal transition to the fluent tongue of Pittigus I (.treen or the merry Iaughter of 0Otly Dutton. There is an air of sanctiiy pndominatioo throoghoat that brand magnetio ehanu | ia delightful. lt is this stylo of j play tbat elevate* the plane of moral:ty and does. tbroogh hold ing tbe mirror up to uature what montbs of lectures fail to aeeoee—pliah. Followiog is the cast; Lord Carringford .... Mortimer Saow Squire Uodney P. A. Nannary ! Duustau Kirke.... Al. H Hall*tt ' PiUionaOweu .., Louia Belmour j , Barnev ... • Richard Scoit j| Joan Weiner | IlaEoi Kirke Kate Dalgeliah Dollv Mollie Stockmeyer Mercy Kirke...- [ Lady Carriugf«rd \ KittyBeimour Clara Geuevieve Nannao’.