Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MORGAGEESNOTICEOFIXTENTION T0 FORECLOSE ANL> 0F SALE. •Noliee is hereby given that pnrsuant to a I power of sale contained in a cert,iin mort- ! gage dated Septeml»er lst A. D. 1S!>2, maele GEORGE NAKUINA nml MAEAEA C.EORGE his wife, of Honolu'u, Islandof Oahu to Mulie Kahai, late of said Ilonolnlu dtceased, recorded iu the 'offlce of the Kegis. trar of Conveyanoes, in Libcr 13S folios 221-2-3, J. A. Cuinmins Administrator with Will anneied of the Will of the said Malie Kahai, deceased, intends to foreclose said uiortgage for a breach of the C«nditions in said mortgage contained to wit: the nonpayment of both the priucipal aud interes* when due. Notice is also hereby given thnt all and siugular the lands teuemeats aud hereditaments in said morlgage ointaiqed and described will bo sold at Puhlie Auetion, at the Auction room of Lewis J. Levey, on tineen 8tnct, iu said Honolnlu.'on Wednesday the 14th diy of Novomber, A. D. 1S!M. al 12 o’eloek uoon of said day, The property in said mortgige is thus j described, viz; That certam pieee of laud sitnate in Pauoa, Honolulu, < foresaid, und &lso that certain pieee of laud situate at Anwaiolimu, Honoluln aforesaid, described in Royal ■ Pateut 17S1>, Land Commision Award 3Īōt jo Makaionli, coveyed to Umauma opio by ('mauma his, by deed reeorded in Liber p. 2!tG-7 and by said Uiueuna opio to Ge-.irge Nakiaua by decd recorded in Lil>er K56 p. 307-S. Term cash in U.S. Gold Coin. Deeds at expeooe of purctiser. For fnrther particnlars apply to Jas. K. Kaulia uud Enoeh Johuson, attomcys for the Admiuistrator with the Will anuexcd cf the Will of Malia Kahai, dcceased, Mortgagee. I’OI NO MASTEirS NOTICE. Notice i> hereby givcn to all per>ons that there are at the Govemmcnt Pound at .Maki. ki on Oct.f,*:. 1 wbite marc, whieh is not branded. 1 rcd >lal!ion branded P. on tbe lcft hiud Ieg, with a while sin>t on tho back. I red horse brandcd = on thc rirht himi )eg| with a white »pot ou the forehcad. Any person or pcrsons owntng these animaU are reqm>t<sl to eome and take tbe >arae on or before 12 o’eloek noon. Dec. 3rd 1S!M, W. KAAPA. Ponml Masfer. LEWIS &vCQ . !MioIesale snd Retail Grcceries AND PR0VISI0N DEALERS. FRESH CALIFORNI A SiLMON ON1CE By Everr 8an FVancuco Steamer. Salt Salxox in Barrels a Spbclaltt. /// For1 Sf., Hji%chdu. TeL 240, O. Box 297. Kalmlui:-: f!otel Kahului, Maui. / / Sm< Sifiq, PB0FE1ET0K. •*pt 7--tf