Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A BAD BREAK. [ARTICLE]
Tbe Adrerlūer »s in the bands of a moet peca'.iar m»n»gemeot* We referreJ a fev Jjvs ago in our eolomn to tae critici»m tbat a paper of 1819 pablished agaiust Dr. JuJJ the fither of the present ‘Dr.’ Ja-i»l. bat we hesitate»l in pab!isbing tbe verses whieh cause«l the almighty doctor to •fire” ont Ten Eyck, and whieh showed him np in a fir»t class raar.ner. The Adverti$«r bas rendered us m«teria! support by printTen Eyck’s “ode” to Judd. aud we n*pria* it witb the greatest pleasnre. Who will then siy that the Hol is scurriloas or too out spokeu' We don t get near tbe paper of 4« years ago. that could print tbe fo!lowing: 5boald a n»oakey we r a cro’»'n. Mast treail»le i! hU trown, Ooahl »e not thr..ugh all his ennine, S{>v the strutting, ch«ttehng Tcrmin? Sbould a doctor 1eare his shop, Aud monut a tbrone in one hop, , Coald ve not in «11 he did, Spy the firm, iallap ± F;d? Shonbi a judge put on a sack, Iie’er desīgued k> fit his back, Could we not throngh all the wool. Spy ths doctor at the pull? Shoald a saddier leaTe his awl. Must we own a stateman tall, Conld we not, in all his acts, Smell the stench of cobbler’s wai ? Sbonld an ass pnt on a skin, Natnre ne’er designed for him, Could we not when he’s fed high!y, Spy the fool as well a« —Wily? Shonli aReTereni leare his statiou. For tho good of the kauaka natiou, Could we not, by his lear, Spy six hundred ponnds a year.