Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]
B. BERGERSEN G*evr«I .Vcr.it M ,SINSER T3Lj 'o V: jsEwiisra MAOHINE COMP’Y. AU Kiml> t»f Noe Ues for >alo aml Rej»airing I>ono, (>amon's BIock Botftol Stroot, Honolelu. P. O. Box 440. jv*21 Y. Ll*M 8INO, Dealer in Fruits an«l Grocorios. Frosh Fruits by Every <'alifornia Stoamor, Krosh Isiin»l Bnttor frotn Hawaii. l.V» Fort Streot. Cotfee Roaste<l. I’ 0. Box 169 Frosh IslanJ PnAluoo (loo«ls Deliveml to Any I*art of tho City, jy21 plalional leon Woi'l^ QC£KS Stbeet, Betwoeu Alakea <b l’.iehn: l Sts THK mn>ERSIOXED jrrprtr.“l » a.ake nll kio.ln ul Irou Bnuw. Brt>ru», Zme. Tiu &nd I.oa.l Ca«tAl« G«ueral R«pair Shop iot St«ota lUoe M.IU. (Vm> MilU. W*u>r WhMb, Wind MilU. «u-. Msohine< for the CIe»ning o( Contur t)il«..He»u\ Kamie. Sts«l, Kneapple Lear«s Jfc oth«r Fibrt)U* P’.*nt», Aud r»|«t Stoek Al»o M.icli:ues (*,r St*rxi. ft >m the Mauioe, Arrow Boot, «tc. ty Ail Order» promptIy atVo !<si t »VHITE, RITMAN (\ CO. Per S.S. AUSTKALIA from the Coast CAMARirOS Refrigerator ’ Contain a Kull Supply of leo House, surh as Fn>zen OvhUts. Cnls, Frvsh Sahnon, ( ’an!iHowcr Cokry, Mus»:at C»rap*-s Peaehea, A|>ricot» Mcctarin; s. Ja(*ancsc Plums Tokay Gra|ic«, Gcnnan Pruncs CrawfurJ Poaclus, S»!ver Pruncs Hi «5e Peru < Bartlctt Pears, S»kle Ptars, Etc. ■i California Fruit Market. .\Tntual Tel 378 lt • 290 Ring Up 290 ; United Carriage Company, M. REIS 1 J.C. OUINN