Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

lo\/eJoy &co, WijoIe$Ble Wii)e \ Li^uoī 5 URlePS 1 , 19 Nuuinu >tri*r; We would eall your attenliou !• Our Special Br\: • !•» Longlife Pure Cream RYE WHtSKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au'2 in casks or botl!e» pf\JiT M\t kE Ti E Tc-i Corm'r il.) AUkea Strvi't«. Caniai‘iiios Kerriserators By Eveiy St. .a:i< r fr m -an Franci*co, witt Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Safmon. Pouftry. Erc. Etc., Etc., Etc.’ •cpt 6, . £T MACHINE MADE POI! FACTOKY, : : K\UHI. Tsro Plants, Fre»h T>ps ar.d Ra« Taro at all times. Ring Up Mulual Telephone .">77 Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jv25 Mansger. Fred. Harrison. C0NTRACT0R ANO BUILDER The LeadingBnllder IX HONOi.ULU. hstini3tes g ven o:i ali kinds of Brick, īron, Stone and Wooden Buildirg-. Jhbing of all kinda. BuildiDg Material 5«>r Sale. 510 and 512 K;ng Street. Ki-Mene* TeIephone, Kell 227. P. O. Box 11. oc-2-tf r.ong Branch -8ATH)NGEstab!ishment. Thi» FīrsV-Cl»j» Batbing B>Snrt u been enlarged and l* »# ► tbe pohlie, It is the be*t i a the i#lauda to enjoy a Bath. and iere i* no betler ulaee lo !ajr ofl. {leeial accomoDodaliooa for L\ - ie*. Tramcar» pa*s the d-*>r eTery alfb*?ur, and oo S*|urdaya «ud undars etrery fifteen o»nates. C. J. SHKRWOOD. y24 Prupncluf.