Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
macfaklane a co. De<ders in lf T /nes o.nd Spirite K**hūnuuia Stre*t, Honolnln. H. E. HcINTYRE k BRO.. f|ROCEF.T, Feed Stobe Jk Bakep.t. Corner of Fort Sts., Honoluln J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMP.EH, GAS.FITTE1R 3QPPER-SMITH, Honse and Ship Job Work Promptly Eiecuted. No. 71 King Street. Honolnla. Dk. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above HoteI. Mulual Telephone 6s2. for olllee; 287 for residence. jy28 ED. C- KOWE. Hov.se 8ign and Oinaimniaī Painter. Manufacture of Liquid S!atinp. 620 King Streel. augl X " I LEWIS J. LEVEY, y Ueal Estate and flener.il Anctioneer. C<»rn->r,Fort anil Quecn Streets Huuolula Personai atlentii>n given to ShIos of Furniture, Real Estate, Stock nnd Oeneml Merchandise. Mntual Ti-kohone 23S “ FAT BOY.” 8AL00H ! P. McIMERNY, 1'koi-riptor, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. Cosjjkr Bkthel AXD IIOTI£L Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WR1G1IT, PROrKlETOR, (Succei»sor to 0. West}. pARRIA«E BLTI.DINf? anu KF.P.MRING v All Orden from tlio Otlicr IsUnds in the C'3rriai:c Trimiuinjc and Painting Line w|U Meet with Proihpt Attcntion, BUcksmithinL' in AU lts Various Branchcs Donc. P. O. Box 3SL Nos. and 130 Fort 8treet, jyI0 Iy W. S. LUCE Wine and Suirit AIercliant Campt*U Fi rt -proof Block, MEHCHANT ST. HONOLULU. 71 : BOTH TELEPHONES»71 —CONSOLIDATF.D—80DA -> WATFR WORKS CO. (i.iaiTTKD.) * HOTIiT» ALL («noiu are wamM not to jwrmit ilieu «nimals fo trossp*uss on the Unrts o( Kauewai *ad Kamoiliili, beloaging the nurtersignert nee pUnter». All aniai»ls fonnrt on stT*riug oa the nee Unrts unll bs impounrtert or shot. LENTAI WAI S1NG KEE. Uunolulo, Ang. 29 IS»t. »ng29-lmrt»r Toi Wo Wing Kee Co. SS NUUAN’U STKKET l)e,i!» rs io Uidics’ k Gents acd Shoes made lo order. p o Bo» ah Anchor-;-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALLV A««thor Invou»e of the W orld Renowned FREOERICKSBURG { UGER BEER On drattghl *nd by tbe keg. AIso. as a Sptvialty. SMALL FRLSH CAUF0RHIA 0YSTERS. W’OK COCKTAlLS uuy 1 jl9i