Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hemoval ! j Hu,stace & Co, iLWE MOVXD T0 Morgan*s - Auctlon - Rooms far i short 'ixno. W« xr«tul «llia* Departure Bay COAL charooal. ALGEROBA aud KINDLING WOOD in nnr qa*ctity, Both TeIephonc# 414 Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABU3HED 1SST. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor. i 5IS Fort St.. Honolaln, (Cp«talrf. GooU Fit CONSOLIDATED SOPA WATF.R CO. (IjMtTTEP.) ESPLAKADE = Cor. Allon mud FortSii. s : Honolulo H0LL1STEK * C0« A{«au. F0R SilE. A FINE “ MIDKIGHT ” STALLION colt belonging to P. D. Isenberg. The colt I ean be seen at the PAKT UEON’ ST AB LE i from to-morrow. U. The Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, I HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS-FiP?t-chjss I(ooniing [Fou.se IN EVERY KESPECT. | Rooms froi $1-50 to $3.00 per WeeL or 50c. per Day. PAULLEMKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell Tolenhone 132. aus 22 i—■ - - » ! NOTICE TO Visitcrs, Pienie Parties. Lnans —AM> — PUBLIC! V At SlIItH’s Bu3 a\d Liv*e by Stable, Kino Street. [Adjoini»g Metropolitan Meat Market.J ls the Cheapeat Plaee in Town you ean get Busses, Wagoneti£«, Buggies and Saddle Horses. It will pay you to eall and see before tou try elsewhere. S5£T Muinal Telephone408 augl-tf lek sung kee, 49 KING STREET. TIKSMITH, a.vd DEALER D» GLASSware. Crockery, Coal-Oil Stovea, W a ter Pots— Plumbmg in AU Its Branches FaithluUy Executed. jylS-ly NOTICEDaring my absence from tbe coontry after the departure of the ‘ , CWanic ,, for China Chin Dock wili have full charge of my bosine3s and atfairs general!y.* Wailokn, Sept. 24, 1894 Ah Ciir* w THOS. LIKl3SiAY 208 Merchaut Street Honolulu Neu’ Store, ne* Jncdry Gold, Stlver and Dianiouds, Jewelry Manofactare to order. ' atches cleaned and repaired ; »3FCēII :n *nd inspect,^j se4-tf. L©t or Lease, «v, t ®pV8Kon »tre ihree b« b * ,hr f K> “’ •*»«>*«» poai ‘ bi * P*ty. Addre»a ABKAUAH