Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 32, 25 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LADIES' COLUf Tfcit thero » con»id«r«l> *■ being ; tkea ia •>’;! ; r N oloino tnp is quit« < t from tbe Tirioas qa«stio r t a». As we h*ve s*t l l»ef >t wool.I iike t< -.-n I you ili |ex: i>ut oar S»’e >mall Protit systemol doīc»: ness does not leivt ns m econgh for that. so we have to soe Mr. Cb*»'' tbe l'» P*sseager Ag-nl his < AN illi<tms' Art Kootas, an l this arrangemout with hun Tbat any persoo forming Cia not Iess thm teu people.£bo oue or mote of onr Sales Tic be wiii s-ue a ronnd trip j to tbe Volcauoat a Kedoeed lon eaa go whenever you pl bnt raust all go togetber. farther saya tb\t anvoue wi to join tbe p »rty c.tu do so pendently of tbo Club if have oue of ourchecks To , I who w isfa lo atk V.. trip. now is tho tiu:o to tak vautage of tue reduced rate. o bave <■) rninv uow ti to talk about tbis week. it s ilo know wbere to begin. bu must eall our attentiau t. , line line of Lad;es’ Undei jost recaived. CllEMISES. DRAWERS NIGHT GOWNS of lalest tern' iu all grades. We als eapeeial attentiou to somo <.lesigus of Ladies' Suirt W just received. New goods being oponeil daily. Doyou to go to tbe Volcano? lf so your Quick Sales and SiaaII bt tickets. Save ali your Sale Ch \ou may be t!ie lucky one. B. F. EHLERS & C ——————— POUXD MASTER’S XOTICE. Noliee i-. h rel>y givcn to ull pervon ihen? :kre at tj\e C»ovorunient Pouml a kiki on C>ct. 14, 1S*»4. 1, Rtraye<l white t»taIlion bran le l JC the rīght uin.l Ieg. 1 reJ ovr br.mde<l TL on the left j teg. white spot on the forehead an l oi i abdosnca and the lcfs ear was pat. FAny persou or ]>ereo'.is owning oow an.i stallion are requeste<l ft» eom . t«ke the san\e on or l>efore 1‘2 o'eluek FltID VY, Oot. 2*i. IS'.M. WM. KAM Pound M Makiki, Oct.,16, 1SS?4. Oct 16Criterion, Saloon ! N0TICE is bcrebv given, all claiins againsc tho Criterion Saloon will besettled by Jas. F. Mor and all outstanding accounts tbe Criteuiox Saloon and jobbing house of L. H. Df.e to the abovo date. are pavabl Mr. L. II. Dee. All bills agiinst L. H. I please present immediately payment. L. H. DEI Honolulo. Oct. 3, 1804. oelO ;>m During sny ahaeoee lrou» *be Uin U »U. lum u» duly anthori2t reoe:ve uul reccipt for «II mouim ilai ow»ug to «ne i. W. Ll'NINO, «t my anul XoT«nber 23rd, 1SW. «t whkh I wiH penon«Iljr *tten 1. i. w. Lrxi> oct 17th E. H. lUEUHi CoB!BH*i'ii.>r ot PnnU W«ter Bigh Di»tncZvi Honoloiu. XOTART Pl'UUe A*iEXT,to URANT MARRlA>,E LICE.V