Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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The Anw» i s ,] ae The Monow»i *i!l p ro U*bly nr rive tornorrow. Ki'.omae :s Uie people'» candid»le. The e!ection w:ll Uke plaee ncxt Mo:;«lrxv. T!.e Kinau arrire<1 tbis mom- j in^. C iloael Asbfonl returnetl to * town tbīs iooraiog. Ex-Sberiff Cbilling\vortb is iu town. Tbe Klikitat arrivecl tbis morning Peanots are not wanted »t tbe Opera House. M. H. Kiekanl left for Hawaii yesterday. bo wus bngging’' iu Yoang Street l:u>t nigbt ? A. waited in vain. F. never eame. W ill be tbore ag.iin touigbt. * Miss Ailene Magaire is visiting at ber grandfatber, Mr. S. lJarker‘s plaee, on King Street. ‘Cbarley’s Aunt’ wasdisported for the yoangsters this afternoon and was^njoyablo. Wbolosomo comedy and pleaaing muaieal soie<-tiong ahouiul in “Caprico.” Tho salo of Girdler’s stock \vas ' woll attended this raorning. liarryArmitage did tho business. Billy Woolham is placed under bouds to keep tho poaee against Lioutenans Cordes of the mounted i poliee. - Mr. H. M. Whituey has tbankod bis employoes in nppropriate ( terms for their gift. Tlie Cunningham hnnting case will bo triod tomorrow bofore Judgo Perry. Miss le.iruing a now Hawaiian song whieh sbe >vil! sing iu tbe native tnngue at au earlv date. MissDalgIeisb created a lasting impression as Paulino last evening. Sho is young, protty and ' sbonld have a brigbt futme. An attempt to arrange a eoncort by the two bauds of Uonolalu proved a failure. Tbo “Nationa!s" will uot play vritli the ( t »» P-fis-H. Klemme is not rnnning for , senator. He is tbo choson eau didato of tbe independent voters ( for a representative and bis oleetion will worry tbo missionaries over mueh. Tbe Portuguese voters sbould make up their minds to 'voto for Klemmo. If bo is olected tbe family eompael will g-t a black eye. Tbe Matinoe at tbe Opcra House oalled oat all tbo school childreu. -ehaHie’a Aunt” is “going ou " Mr. Greeu who is tbe ageut of tbe Humane Society fouud a noauced oaso of glauders ycstor dav in a Lorse belongiug to a haek driver. The ; horse was killed aud the stable ordered djsinfected. Tbe well known watoi»tuaker y j Fageroos, who is now a castom house guanl is closing up his waioh bnainess. The custom huiinnn see»s to be ©nongh (or hiniDr. Atcheley and h;s rM«crf Miss Mary Leleo left in the Claudme ūat evening. Tbe weJding will Uke plaee al Honokaa whero the young eoopie will spend tho»r ’honeym*)n. The Uie Pr. Ueuri McGrew was iusured for $7.000 of whioh theUrgeel portion was m Uvor of hia wifo-