Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

KAMEHAJ[EHA GIRLS I SCHOOL. t Tbi» firs4 tcrta o€ KuaekuMlu GrrL» ■ Scb" l »ill or*2 M:aiar Swc!w ;2ib. Applieaii jn* for »a imt be ».idre»s- I to Mis» Pt>M «tb<rr at | M*a ;al or Miss P.’pe. w.īl be ia the si*a K’n.ier-c-.rt«rn Ri»n;, ya«n i'mm» . Ha'l. Satadājr momāgs fr:.c; «M2 whcre | *hr wiH i»e pleased *.o sppiicaat«. Thr minoa i» nftv dolUr» «ōO ) .» tc»t. No ; app2icar.te recrive.! nnifr 12 veaxj of »se. i Ort. II-Im. CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf ā C<x, has removevi to Ar- ' lington Block llotel Street, where th?r wj!l be better able to serye ,\cd pleasc their Patrons. Will keep on hand all the late«t ; paper?. Book Sutionery. Periodicals ā Novellies, in all branches of the trade. * ?e 14 tf F0R, sale — A Complete . Hunting Outfit. One lr sh Sotter bitch of tbe ■ best blood in Araer ca; rcgistered in the A. K. S. B. nnd p.irtly broken. One Pointer b tch by the eelebrated Gienbeigh that cost >1000 j in En"land. o One Pup five \veeks o!d father and mother thorooghbreeds. Oue Buckboard bailtespeeially j for hnnting pnrposes. One 12 guige L. C. Stn th gun , as «;ood as uew uud in fine order. Theabove outfit will be sokl eheap Enqaire of W. H. CUNNiNGHAM. Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf POUND MASTER’S I XOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to all persous, that ' there is at the Government Pound at Makiki, one stmyed red man* branded KA j on tbe right hind leg, white spot on the I forehead and on the back, both hind feet | are shoded. 1 white stallion branded indis- i cribable. Any person or persons owned this i mare are re<[iiested to eome and take the sameon or before the day of sale, 12 o’eloek uoon OCT. 27, l"Dt. WM. KAAPA, Pound Mister. Oct lS-lw. BEDS of W0VEN WIRE! The Jbuxury OF THE I9th Qentury

A Tale. Did »nyhodv ever hear how the hanaaa hnt crown. Uow the milk pot in tbc coco*not; when man.’o seed w*g eown; From whenee tbe native« eame to peonle this f«ir J»nd, r And when they died, where thcy »11 wcnt. th*. happy dtuky band? These Cicts are t'i my*terions, u<l no so!ntion get, And thw's olhcr mysteries qnite a* deeo whieh vre not &thomed yet; Who *i‘ it ran thc opium nne, rot in the Iiqnor frec, IIow »as it Cn»toms tr.ee were bilnd detecUTe* coald'nt see? Whose eoir.s to be the Tunaicv Kine ol tht» moii pioua town, Who’l! *tart tbe 5*how, to whom we al' pUnk the lieeilial ’ down: Wno will be Bos«. aad ma tbe frm. who wiU tbe Bncklev be, To do it oa the Fr»co pian ol the Great Repnblic frve? Ooe thins; we koow thai BAILET’S BEW »re mide of WOVES WIIĪK, Tbey ciTe a* comfort, pe»ce «nd rest, »ad »re »11 that »e de»!re; He uke» no pwrt īn po!lti«, but doe» Ihe be»t he ewn, To pk»M his frieaj*, *cd show th»! hr's the WOVES WIKE 1LVX *

WOVEN WIRE BAILEY, Manufacturer Of woves w;rl Beds, Holel Stre«t, Hoaolulu, (oext <Jjor t> Uom'e Steana BxkerT.) 5old cy Rli Rsspactabl8 D2al5T3. aug 14-Iru