Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Stpteiabor 17, 1S0L If we rcraember correctly ih'h “Char!ertin’’ was thefirstofthe “Whhe Sqnadron tJ visit Honolaln. Her arriv:\I on her secon l ! A u:se is still in the minds of peoplo who were here on Januaiy 29, 1891. Wuen with at half-mast and yards cock-bnilt she eutered port with the body |of King Kalakana, the kin l attentior s shown by the o£cers to the King durii g the voyage to the United States aiul the, a’most sacrod m;nncr iu whieh the bodv v.as gaanled wh le be.ng | borne to the Isiaiuls, endearcd the ‘ Cbarleston” to the peopie of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in 1 the power of the people, tueir appreciaiion was shown to tho officers dnring their stay and when sailed they left graven on ttblots of love and memory,evidences of their Aloha for Ha- ‘ wa.i. l'ew, if any, of the officers who were here theu are on the vessel now; some bave reached tho ago of retiremant and others have gone to other vessels but jthe Charle«ou is still grean in l the heart o£ tho Hawaiians. I | Have yon ever nsed a Pansy Stove? We have iheeu selliug | them for four or five \-ears and to day they wear the “Yellowj Coat’' iu the emphe of stoves. j They are reoogniiced by evcry oue, evon dealers iu othor stoves, as a snperior aiiiele and one whieh thev do not caro to run up w 1 ! agaiust. Of course st »ves may be bonght from people who are uot dealers. Wo havo people ruuning hero every dav or two n y m for firo bricks and parts belonging to stoves they have bought from other parties, aud when they fiud they canuot get them they discard their stoves and buy a “Pansy.” You sce there is a disadvantuge iu bnying dear things at low pr;ccs. Como to j us and get a Pansy at 815 00 and j you get full value for yonr mo-1 ney. You don’t get a 875.00 range for fifteeu dollars ; minel you, but you get a first class stovc that is worth Thirty dollars |to any one Onr Iieady Mited Paints are smted to the wants of neople who !iave a littlo ptinting the}' want to do thoraselvos. Tho advantago in bu\'ing a prep.ired paint is that you aave the bencfit of the best mixcrs in tho United !Stdes withont haviug to pay for it. The paint is ready for use |directly yon tako the top oif the | ean and if you don’t find it eheap- i !or and better than any you ean | raix yourse)f we are mistakeu in our esperienco In Califoruia the | r ainters are «sing tho prepared j articlo in preference to buying ( lead and oi.s because they find it ,to their advautage to do so. We | believe it js only a question of timo whea :he painters here will fall iuto line. Hanging lampe are in as great ; demaud now as ever. People | secm to waut something for lighting purposes that will give as good light as thc sun—they find it in the lanps wa are giving away. Our eheap stand lamps are an excellent thing for a servants roora and vill find a ready sale in the Island stores. We ean supply any demand. for a «ingle lamp or for a thousand. Xhere*3 lots cf Hawaiians wbose Kuleanaa need fencing and wo have the wire with whieh to do it. We havealso the material for building a fence tfaat will Iast uatil long after the milleninm. īnstead of paying a higb price(or poets, oreven getting them for tbe cattrng. your fence will eost yon less mcney if yon buy stael stays and wasbers and make a Jones LockeJ fence. We ha\e ev6rythiug yon want in tho haidware snd house fnrnishing goods line yon wish. And we cvort investigation a? to their quaiitv and prices. lk Eifaila Haiiware Co. 307 Fortbtreet