Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 ʻOkakopa 1894 — They want Music. [ARTICLE]
They want Music.
Somethingcalhng itself"Souza' makes a reqnest to Professor Berger ftr tbe pcrfonnance of certain mcsical pieces at bis next concert. To judge from “Souza's” proposed programme be or sbe evidently knows very little of good masic and it wiil probab!y be just as well to Ieave it to Professor Berger to select h5s own I prograiurae. The Advertiser, ie o«e »-f its errutic moods, adopts ! the i lea of “Souz»” aud desiresi tbe public to make prograraraes for Berger in the future. With i all due respect to tho “puhlie’ ’ wa beg :o saggest tbat Professor Cerger bas been in the ,, music’' busiuess for moro than tbirty years. He is of age. He Las i cut bis teetb. He kuows hia ' bnsiness or be wouldn't bave becn wh- re be 5s to-day. Any friendly suggestion to bira bas alwa}-s raet his kindest consideraliou. — He will do almost anytbiug for bis friends “ tbe public” but we donbt very mueh tbut ho will be dictated to. Let 13erger make bis own programmes. He bas tlonoso ! for tbe last twenty years in Ilo-i nolulu and be is perfoctly alile to do it for tbc next ileeaelo. L