Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 October 1894 — A Final Admission. [ARTICLE]

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A Final Admission.

It is vory amasing to notico tho war whieh is boiug waged 'botwoon tho official orgau the AtlveHi*er anel tho semi-official Tho lattor :s in for anncxation and the formor undor its presont cditorial management is trying to crawl ont and imhue the country with the idoa that today Hawaii got all she wnnted viz good govornraout. Mr. Magoon who has had tho decency to stato his opinion pub licly aud pronouncing himself as au anti-ftunexationist gets in for a sharo of tho abuso whieh mostly is poured on to tho curls of the ' unfoitunate cditor of tho Adwer(i'C\ Wo adraire the S(ir be causo it is caudid and «s wo believe honest. lts backers want annexatiou aud they aro making a good fight for it. Some day pcrhaps wo may joiu issue with them and of two evils advocato the lesscr; tho loss of our indepeudence and our ‘closer’ conuectiou with the States. The .1 represcnts tho sentiments cf the governmeut uud the planters and will fight auneiation at all ha?.ards- The Ha- ■* waiian Kepuhlie is good enongh for that ilk—that is, as long as that ilk is the Hawaiiau Koj puhlie But ii.e St(tr shoold not allow its euthusiasm for annexatiou to carry it away from the path of good policy aud eommon sense. The followiug paragraph isabout the most damaging expression yot published in a government paper. The Shir says: Neither Mr. Magoon nor the very few who agree with him eouhl hold a Kcpublic together for twouty-four hours withont tbo eemeut of the political idea of auucxation. Wo fullv ad<oit the truth of the - Star's remarkbot wemnstsa}\that wo are surpris«d to see tha slaunch supporter of the republic oiK'nly stato that the republic caunot stand for twenty - fonr hours exeept the aunexationists . hang together. What an admisaiou ! Is that the result of the good work of abseut Dole aod present Damon, that fiaally their moulhpieee shou.d oome out and admit that j the republio U tottering aud that j ouly by a bo!stered up pretonse 1 eau Uio preseut abortivo govorn- *

raentbekept together. Armstrong kiil the repnblic in the A<lrrrU$rr by his “cammissions.” Tbe Sf/ir k:lls ber by*its adra:ssio'.s. Is tbe meantime the represen 't»tives of tbe people iie back nnd grin nnd tuey watch qaietly the d* g and cat fight. When the people are ready they stop watching and grinaing and they striie.