Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
lo\/eJoy &co, Wtjole0&le Wiqe \ Liquo!* Oealei? 19 Nuuauu t | We wou!«i eal! >\.ar allenlion l*-». Our S{wr ; a! Longlife <$ ft/re Creem RYE WH!SKEY. Fredericksburg t>EER au*2 in caske> or botl!er CV-T 0 tl*'A M\1 ke T, E T C -1 Om<T »uJ AUku !* f(iiiiiiiiiio‘s |{rfii!prators Br Etctt Sti‘4nur ln*ia >.«n Krancl»co, *itb Fresh Fruit, Oysters, S3lmnn. Pou/try, Rtc. Ctc , Et«' . Kt<* *vt 6. MAOHINE MADE VI POI! FACTOBY, : : KAl.lHl, Taro l’lanl», Frt*>h T*>i > anel lia» T«ro at «II time>. Ring Up Mutu«l Telephoue ">77 Bell 045. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Manager. Fred. Harrison. C0NTRACT0R ANO BUILDER The Leading Bnilder IX HONOul'LU. hstira«les gr<n ou «11 kin<l-> <-f Brick. Ir.in, Stone an.l Wowlen Buildiog». J l>bing of eli kir«ls. Bo;Id ug Matvr;al f->r .' i aie. 5l0 an«l 512 Kmg Slrwt. H-si<le!ic • leleph n«, Bell 2/7. P. O. Rox 11. oc2-tf £>ong Branch Establishment. ThU Firel-CI«»<i B«thing R-*.rt has b-en » »Sarg-d «od i* now oiku to ihe pub ; r, ll is the br*t plaee oo the :»!*« >is to eoj <y • Bath. and there » no ketter ulaoe to lay ofi. ( 3pecial *eci‘'n«odjtioii« f»r l.% - ( di«*. Tr«n»car!« p.»j* tbe d «or ertry •balfb.-ur.iml <►« Saturdiy* «ud ’ Suoday« > verv līAeen miuuia». C. J. .<HEBWUOD. • ' jy24 Froprieii>r.