Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
6SUC£ CARTWRICHT t'of • Fidccurr S*t-re Tr»n**«-t«d. f‘rompt Hlpaūon gjTeo to thc a&na«HaeBt of £>>ut«s Ci*riiinsiuui. Tru Hc., etc. ete. 0/nofj», : . C*.iirrigf*t Buiit\ng. M«rrhint St«et. Uonohila H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANi) Provision Merchants 98.Fort Sireet. - Honolalu| Familit*s, Plantution.s au<l Ships supplie<l \vith cboicost Euīopean merican Groccrie* California Prodnoe by Ever>‘ Steamer. Merchaut l£xchanere Comer King auo Nuaann StreeU. S. I. 8HA\V....Proprietor. The Fiuest sefectiou of LIQUOUS aud BEKR. uld acya-here in the totrn. Fir>t-claas attondance. Uall and jodge foryourself. uo 113—tf. LEWIS & C0,. Wholesale &nd Retail Groceries PROVIS£ON 1»EALERS, FRESH CAUF0RNIA SALjI0N ON ICE By Every 8au Frauciaoo 8temuer. S.\lt 8almon in Barrels a Specialtv. /// F:rt S/ , Honolulu, Tel. 240 , P, f). tiox *<J7. ī{almluijfotel Kahului, Maui. PROPRlKTOR. sept 7-U KENOLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER. Npoapp anti Pauah! StnceU. Cabiuets $3.ō0 Per Dozeu. “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 t'y,n 0 Per Dozcn, *• 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozeu. Dry Ooo<is d Ohinoae Silk». Kmpire Saloon, lAMEH OL08, Fk>^au«us: piae Wines, Liquora. Beei ALWAS OX HL\ND. Coraer Nu&auu aad Hotoi,Sac«U B«U Ml. PmA OAoa Box 107 CALiFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. J()BBF.RS OP j WIN i£S, and SPIEUTS