Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Pire, Life & Mapine INSURANCE. HAHTFORD FIRE IXSURANCE C0.. $ 7.109,825.49 LONDOK-LAKCASHLRE FIRE IXS. CO., Asset', $ 4.317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MAJUXE IKS. CO, Assets, 3 6.124,057.00 5tew york life ixsuraxce co., Assets, $137.499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Geuerai Agent for the Hawaiian laīamia, llnnolalu E. McInjye\e S( Bf^0 IMPOETERS AND DEALEKS IN Groceries, Provisions «• ITeed, EAST GOKNEK FORT * KING.STS. New CS-oods Rcc'd By every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Produce by even- steamer. All orders faithfullv attended to, aud Goods delivered to any part of tho city FKEE OF CHAKGE. • Island Orders Solicited. Satisfactiou Guaranteed. Post 0fl5ce Box No. 145, Telephone No. 92. P. 0. Box 480. Mutual Iklephwe 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buy NewandSec'ond Hand Furniture IS AT iTHE CORXER OP King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L j r» Honolulu [H. I.

PANĪHEON 5ALOON. FORT AND HOIKL STS Headauarters Eiterpme Brewim Co. TUE Largest Consignruent of Beer i that ever arrived here, neaon Draught jVl* DODD. Prop'r REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Houses 10 rent aud for sale. Reut9 collected, conveyancing in all its br*Rches attended to with protnptness and despstcb. Honoi lu Re.vl Estate Agenct. : 103 Fort St. XOTICE. le fatnre oll BILLS far aaekmkia# ba on pteseo:atk>o. We tn eompeUee to rwon to this rck, on occoaut <4 tbe inabth*.T to eoOect the m*jomT of our r ’a Wrt»kxng cīQs «iwr fnnenlā uv or«x. WULIiMā EEOe^ ED. A. WILLIAM5. H—rr. aot7-l fUYI BEMED1E8. atniL' CCMG*»iia(«l«. Ciurrii. Crooo, Sktn ■.. 1 !tlfe WCTS$ —— Hopeo tn enieiuuk tkt> tt wlll «sr» L*cro»y. „ JSS, XZVS%«SX3i!: “ fr*ēt» *ithia tb* rw*«» o* £

T, B. Murray * 1« Xow to bc l-ounil On thc 5fcw Klauil, Xo. King- Nt.—Iliw RuNinc%w us CARRIAGE axd wap MaflQfaotarer i (»oes On. When the “Inelepenilenl” P ARTY” gets smashe<l he 1 will be ready to KEPilE P4IJ(TIAFD TR1I lī | At s Roasouable Fignre.— Extra Charge for ForniahiBg them with Oommon Senae. LET THEM RINQ UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 573. jn««