Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

fhc iiclr:uua (taUndar. !CAV*L VEfWEUS. 0 'I S Ifyi ntli.it*v. D<qaimjiit, R|T. *»JRrHANT\IC5. 1 j Amiam. Brown. N'ewowU», J* 8 W. ff II Pi:.i n i. Nil«»n. S F. . . •. r A!'4i», '‘aKil, Ssj» Knneiwo. s M Kellope. Iv Cray'i> Wmrbor, » >. A-,trmiin < Hoa<lt«*tte, S F. < OtkUnd, Soatt‘«. poHrl(.> V I>'» L* K\ PEC TF.D. , : . r JlobertLewen»... L»v«an I<! Dne i' M S S «,'ity of I‘eking.Vokohmm*. .Oct y jj,kr:.. l’lanter Id....Ort 5 \ ~ h AlireCot»k...rt Towni<en«iOct 12 \ ;i . >k: Klikitat Pl Town“end.Oct 20 , }.k El-m.»re \ewca“Ue....Oct 20 j:k fa.lzar F<ire«t ..Xewc«8tle...’. Oct 2q iu:k llOTtonbeck.. .Liverpool Oct 30 A« *-Lr Lva Knn ka Oct 31 ]I.» U 1-k Manna Ala Xewcaetle.. Xo» 18 i ..i:i X<-wca*tle.. ,Xotf 30 \ ■ ii(iUni\ ir Xewcamtle...Xov 30 (i-rM: i’anl Inenberg. llpemen Dec 10 M ; II F (ilade LirerpooI....Jan It0 FOirtGJI MAII. SEBV1CE. S*.e:\r «lii} ? wHl Ieave for nnd arr've ji..: n S.m Francinco and other foreign j on or al>out the folI<>wing dates, till the clo?e of 1894. | M v. Ila>oLtn.c Dtn at Hoxolclc ( H Framtsco. Fm. Sas Fraxcuk» OK VaN' OCVLR. OR Vancocver. IWniE. 0ot AuutnJia Oct. 6 .,(!<♦. l.i Amwa Oct.-24 s • .■ U .... Oct. In Monowai Oct, 23 >1, X<iv I Au»traJia Sor. 3 I N'>r. l0China Nor 12 Mariji i Nor. 13 Alanu<la Xov. 22 (>., ;ur.> Xov 19 M owem Xov 24 V IWta .i Dcc. 1 Au»tralia Dcc. 1 Au»traiia Dec. 8 Oeeanie lX<c 11 S( i >wai ....Deo. 13 MaripOsa Dec. 20 Mi.<wera Dcc. 31 Armwa Dec. 24 China ,Di>c ol Australia Dec. 2>> Tl o I’aulhoon Salo<>u i« the ilej,ot for the celebratcd KuterjiriseBeor, whcre it ean nlways bo found e >ol an<l frcsh ou taj>. We <io uot deal iu ‘ Fnd< ricksburg U'i r” oh thc morning r«j>cr — tbrough soao mistnke has adverC.ill at the I’antheon for re-frcshing drink. J1M D0DD, Propriotor. * Talk abolit braying asses. The Inwn is full of them. McBn»yer’g vhiskoy ia only ba fouud at the Kmj>iro Saloon. Aud when it’s found it st«ys. Kn. Koqna of theEuipire Saloou ( Las maele a new deal whieh will touch Ihe hoarts, or at least tho 1 alatcs of many u thirsty wander* . or. Ile koops • l half-aud-half on dranght and serves a most de t licious and eool beverage, far superior to “plain” beer. pe 17 tf ( J. J. Williauis the well-known j Artistic Photographer is niaking a specialty of portraits on Watch Dials and Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sets of Lantorn slidos i }ectnrcs eau be had at the gallcry. ( For thoy aro sold at a rcasouablo ] tiguro by tho dozou or bv the 1 huudrecJ. * ( Ilaniwai ; BathHausE ' Thc utider* g<»od h.»\ i..g Lf.asbi> iho well knewn Xx.aNiwaI Bath tio sk «t Waikiki, bcgs to irforni >\u that it will be ruu as a Strictly First-Class BATHING RES0RT. |V* S ecii( aee mmcdit ; one f>r l.ulii s ar.d Cbi'drm. w. s fartlett, Proprietv>r. pTr-ui-cars pass the pl»»o ccS FOK NALK. 8,000 SISAI- PLASTS f”>* iUt Ib <iuaatitie* U> »uil l>f aj»plyia« •* ** XV* umee. n*oa« inlrrc*teJ »• "*, ' In du»!rtt» kbual«l uol lo*r Uu* opjK'rtunn.r. oct 13 lf. Gust, A, Mauer, hawajjak hotkl barber ShamjX*ping a spcciUomUUa.