Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 31, 24 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Art And Genius Unnoticed. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Art And Genius Unnoticed.

l'lio Euglish langaage is \vi it j ton and spoken in mauy and diverse wuys, particularlv for dr»mutic proseulations calling for character and «leleniatious of | evoiT day life.sa miieh so in fict tbut it is a pleusuro to listen to pure Englisb artisticallyi delivered by people wbo nnderstand doelamalion and iuflectiou. This beiug tbo caSe, bo\v badlj tbo spirit of Lord Lyttou must bave 1 felt at tbo tribnte paid bis intelligence Iast eveniug by ouly a mediura sixed audience of Hono- j lulu’s leudiog theatrical patrons. ■ The‘play \vas reudered iu a most conscientious manner an«l wou j repeated encorea au«l a rousing curtain eall. Miss Dalgleisb as Pauliue was cliarming, playing the part with!dignjty andforceand hor dresses were hamlaome. Mr. Snow us 01 uula shure«I tbe bonors verv bandilv au«l at times rose \vitb dramatic skill to fuliy tbe antliors iileal Mr. Scott as Beasisouut and Gaspard wns «apital, his onunciatiou lboing clear an«l concise and b s carriago gracefu!. The otber cbaracters \vero capably b:mdlod and tbe pjrformance ono tbat reflects crodit on tbo orgnnization; S0 mueh so, that \ve have been eompelled to slightly cateobisd tbe tbeater goers for nonappreciation. Both tbe eompany and Mr. Dailey;ure laboring assidaously to p!e.*ise au 1 s cb artistic labor sboul«l receive a moro fiting tribate. Saturday ovo, we sball bavo tbe musical comedy “Caprica” or * Only a Couufry Girl,” a plav made faraous by j Minuie Madden. Mrs Heuri McGrew will probably returu to Koiiolulu in the uear futuro as her presence bere is cousidered necessarv by bor attorney. Her mauy friemls will be pleased to weleomo her in her old home.