Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 ʻOkakopa 1894 — To-night's Performance. [ARTICLE]
To-night's Performance.
MUs Dalgl«L*b anJ Mortimei | S(»ow snpporte*l by the h%!ance | of the Dai’t-y’s Compaay will to- | n;gut pre>eDt Bciwers fjtnoas j blaok ver« j»Iay ia .» acts eot)t!|©J *‘Lady of Lyons, T ' with the • first nsra-.l as Paoline anJC!aude | Melnotte Tue Jialogae is from | oae of the ma«ters of Englisb Iiterature. who translated it from tbe Italian and tbe actioo is erceedingly interesting. Jndging by the sale. oar best tbeatre I goers are to tarn ont in goodly numbers botb tonight anJ Thurs day to witncss Bo)asca’s fnaoas I “Hazel Kirke."