Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
& 3? N M C c v iTSAT0S8UP f Sometimes \vhere to to j>r.rcba.se ftny prtrtioular ;irti-;le l;u not if you happen to v mt anvthiug in the line of Artists' £upplies, Pictupe pranies or enlarged portraits, thero is bot one plaoe iu Honolnla, to pnrchaseall materials, aml thal s KING BROS. ’ Store, for whiek there is no rival on thos® Islands. The finest paiutings in Hawaii, are on eihibition in this gallerv. The firm makea a specialty of enlarging portrait.s as well as making pictnre frames in the very latest stylcs of moulding'. In the sheet pictures, they have thonsands to select fiom of whieh they invito au inspection at any timo. KING BUOS-, Hotel Stroet, :: Honolola aug. *25-lmdIy. JUST ARRIVED, 5 5 r«u BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STTLSS, CARPETS, ■ ! tN THE LATEST PATTEl;N- ; . K HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES HiXD Sewlsq Machixi8, Aū With Um L*U-st PARLOR Ji*Rans, Gruitars* JLod Muittl I«tbraws^. • s Wines, Liquois, Beer always ox haxd, Axr> POB SAL£ BY ED. aOFFSCHLiEGEE 4 C0. oppo. C»*Ue * Cooke*»i