Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AVe are Ortērinir this "Week, DOUBLE W1DTH AVool T>ress Goods, Tu i>laids and stripped, vVt 35cts i>er yard. And a. line of p’ain CASHEMERE’S in all Shade> 50Cts per yard. M. S. LEVY. oc fi.'1 tf

PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factory. K(KKKY aml lee Cream Parlors 1 HORN m m 1863 1834 m PRACTICAL COX FEC TION EK and ORNAMENTER lu all bra,iehf * o/ th* lu»iuess •»» thf»t iflaiuU. ! Amonoan, EuelUh. Gem\an and Frcnch PASTR1ES Made to Order. ! BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made of the Very Best MaleHal and at Beasooable Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Al>ratf* on Haud. ALL (OXFELTIOlERl Mannfactured al My Establi»hment ! Arc Guarantced to bc Positivcly Pure and Sold at Priccs no othcr C3tablishment ean eompele w!th. t*T FACTOHY AM) STORE, No. TI ITotel 3treet, Honolulu. Both Telephone* No. 74. jy2® L. B. KERR*S ANKOUNCEMENT! HAVE JCST RECEIVED A I LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F . FINE SU1T1NGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, and:latest sty*les. Thcse goods will be sokl iu any Qaantity inmi a 100JYards Down toJEnouoh TO MaKE A Sl.Nr.LE StTT ! —AND AT—HABD THE8 PHIPE8! 8* KERR, - - impokt£r, ,Qaeea Strect. Sept3-3m M. Monkawa C1TY SH0EING SH0P BETHEL STREET. Next door to Bay Hor»e Saloon. -— ( BLACKSMITH cabriage REPAIRING AT BEDROCK PR1CE8 Gire mo a oall and Judge for yoonelf. Oet. 12th-lm