Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
- j kamehamhha girls SCHOOL. Tb« scrsn of Kia«bam«bt Gntfe School »J1 JI«cd«T Noreajber iiti. Apfikatioei for «teūa»ion tn»r be iddwss«d to Mi« Puw eithrr at kiaeh*wk* ’ or Ui» P<>pe, adl bo ln tk* Hi*»Han KiaJ<r--jrt«n Eoua. Qs««a Emnim Hail, S*rar •- st ntornini«« fxotu 9-12 wbere «be wūi be tMued to m«et mpphomal». Tbc txutioa i» doUmrs (9jO ) a re*r. Jfo inph<raat8 rewir«d ander 12 re*rs ot mge. . Oct, ll-Iaa. I CARD OF NOTICE. Soharf & Co.. has removed to Arlington Block HoteI Street. tvhere they will be better able to senre ! .\nd please their Patrons. \Vi11 keep on band all the Iatest j papere. Book Stat«onery. Periodicals *t Xovelties, in ali branches of the trade. se 14 tf POf\ S/\LE A Complete Hunting Ontfit. Oue lrish Setter bitch of the best bIood m America; registered in the A. K. S. B. and pprtly broken. One Poiuter b.tch by the eelebrated Gleubeigh that cost $1000 in En<rlsnd. O 0oe l’up five weeks old father and mother thorooghbreeds. One Buckboard builtespe<>ially for hnnting purj>oses. One 1J gauge L. C. Sm th gun as good as new and in fine order. The above ontfit will be sold eheap Enqaire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM. Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf P0UND MASTER’S X0TICE. Notice is hereby given to all |>ersotis, that there is at the Government*Poand at Makiki, one strayed red mare, branded KA on the right hind leg, white spot on the forebead and on the baok, both hind feet are sbodod. 1 white stullion branded indisoribable. Any i>erson or persons owned this mare are re<.inested to eome and take the «ameon or bofore the day of sale, 12 o'eloek uoon OCT. 27. 1*94. WM. KAAPA, Ponnd Mister. Oct.lS-lw. BEDS of W0VEN WIRE! The Luxury OF TUE I9th A MysteriQns Tale. Did »nybody ever he*r how the baa*s* fir*t w*s grown, How the milk got In the coco*nut; when m*ngo seed w*s so»n; From whenee the n*tives c*mc to people this f*ir I«n<L And wfiea they died, wbere they mll wenL, tb* h»ppy dosky twnd? These fact» »rc *11 mr»terioa*. *nd no «olu- i Uon get, And tbere's other mysterie* qnite *s deet> j whieh *re not fkthomed yet; Who wm it r»a ihe opinm 'ring. eot In Ihe liquor free, How w*s it Cn*tom» meo were bUnd, deteetire* coold'm *ee* Whoee eoing to be the T*mtaicv Kin» of thi* Bost*picn* lown. Who'U *tart the Show. to whoa *h*ll »« *Q pUnk the “necdfol" down; Who will be Bom, ud rea tbe flna, who wUl the Baeklev be,‘ Tc doh on the fri*co i>I*c oi ihe Gre*t Ēepnhlie free’ Oae thlnf we kaowth*t BAILEY » BECk< *re nud* of WOVEJi WIKE, TVy rive u* romfort, p«*c* *ad rt*l. iad *re *il th*t we de»:re, He t*kc* bo pwn ln pohlie*, ba: do e* the be#t heeaa. To p4c**e hi* frieads, «ad *how th*t he'» ihe WOVES’ W1RE MAN !j W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Manufacturer 0f W0V€N W(RE Bed$, Hot*I Street, Hooolula, (nest door lo Horn’« Sleam Bakery.) Soid cy All RespHctablfi D2slers.