Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A Deserved Honor. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Deserved Honor.

Mr. H. M. Whitney, who recently retired from tbe manage-1 ment o£ tbe Hawniian Gazette Co. was pleasantly surpri>ed yesterday by receiving from his former emp!oyees a beautiful silver pitcber, as a token of tbe bigb esteem in wbicb tliso!d newspaper man &Iways bas been beld by tbose connected with him in the business. Tbe fol!owing is tbe address and signatnres whicb aeeompanied the valoable present: Honolulu, H. I., Oct. 2*2. Mb. H. M. Whitsey, Dear Sik: Wa, tbe omployees of tbe Hawaiian Oazette Company, desire you to accept tbis small token of our regard and I esteem as a remembrance of tbel plcasant and kindly relations existiog between ns for the pasi years, during whieh yoo bare beeu oor manager. We pray ibat the remaining years of yoor life mav be blessed with bappiness and prosperitv. George H. Wiia, W. M. Pomroy, W. E. Brown, J. W.Preston, Frank L. Hoogs, W. W. Chamberlain, H. Roberts, Alex. Beritzboff. Alex. Bolster, J. J. Green, H. L. Lyoss, Aloozo K. Kohia,| J. H. Correa, S. P. Correa. J. U.! Kawainai, P. Martin, Wm. Reea. John K. Kamanoala, J. Newa K&naalu. Wm. Keiki, Qeorge Haili, Marcua L. Hare, W. H. Johnson, Sylvesta Jesas, Manuei Rodrigues. Willie Yoang. Job Naakaaa. Jaeob Kamakaoloia Wm. Leleo Carl B, Audrews, O. Kaaaka, Qeorge Kia.