Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Per Guardian. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Per Guardian.

Bv tbe doatb of Dr. Henri McGrew an end is brougbt to •Iie mueh canvassed suit of McGbew, per Guardian, vs McGbew. Eveu tbe genius of our legal Inminaries, Messrs. Bickerton and Frear, ean scarcely be expected to prove equal to tbo occusiou of sending a man to Heaven “per Guardiau,” —despite tbeir receut and most supient ruling tbat tbey eonkl divorce bim “per Guardian,” witbout bis cousent, aud witbout bis knowledge. It wonld almost seem tbat this dispensation of Providenco were expressly inteuded to ov*r-rule tbe decree of onr scurcely less fallible Snpreme Coart providing for Dr. McGrew’s divoroe,‘' per guard ian,’’ and the wonder is tbat even the Alraiguty sbould be able to find a flaw in one of tbe decisions of tbat imraaculate tribnual. But wo still await witb interest a reply to the query wbetber that sarae court will not summon in tbe remains of tbe cleceased, j “per ga:irdinn," aud award a decree of absolute divorce to tbe corpse ? In one of Shakospear’s plays tbe beroine advises ber despairing lover, to “live, and love, in person; and die by attorney.” CouId the iraraortal Bard of Avon bave had tbo advantage of access to tbo lcgal wisdom of Messrs. Bickerton and Frear, be won!d fcavo mado bis beroine’s advice read, “die, ‘per goardian.’”