Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUGE GARTWRICHT af % Fkd«narr Trmaimt*ed. r'r jui{-t &ttentk>o k5t»u U> Um of EeUlm, G-i*rdiinihip«, TnuU. t*c., etc. Ofiam, : Ca.ftprigkt Mtrdant Stntt. Bonolal& H. MAY & Co,, Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANJ) Provision Mercliants W lort Streel. - Honololu Familios, Plafitatious aml Shipa supplie<l with oh*»ieost Kuropcan & American Grocrrie* C »liforuia Pmiluee by Ever>’ Steamer. lLxchan<2re Corner Ring itu« Nnuanu StreeU. S. I. SKA\V....Proprietor. The Finest seIection of LIQUOKS and BEKR, sold in the town. First-cln-.» attondanoe. Call and judge (oryouraelf. no 113—tf. LEWiS & C0.. Wholesale snd Refail Groceries AND PR0V13I0N DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8*u Francu4co 8teamer. Salt Salmox ix Barrels a Specialtt. /// Forl Si.t Honolulu. Tel. 240, p . O. Box 297. Kahului, Maui. I S\r« Si|(q, PKOPRIETOK. sept 7-ti KENOLUN. PH0T0GRAPH R. Nuuanu anJ Pauahi Strcets. Cabiuets, $3.50 Per Dozen, “ 2,00 Per J-2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozen, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Drv GockIs and Chinese Silks. jyS3 Empire SaIoon, J.\MES OLDS, FK>>r&iKTOK; pine Liquors. Beei | alwas os haxd. Coreer Nuaana *ad Hotei.Stmiu Beū T»tapb(a* 341. Poa* OCo« Box 107 I CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 fORT STREET, Mcluerny BIock. jOBBERS OF | WINE8, and ,v;- *