Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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MACJb AliLANE .v CO ī)tii 'en i7i If i ncs and Spirils Kiahnmana Sirwt. Hoe lala. H. Ē. McINTYRE k BRO., CiROCEKT. FeEI» STOIiE ii BaKEBT. Corner of King an<l Fort St«.. Honolalo .1. PH1LL1PS. PR.\CTICAL PLUMEEU, GAS.FITTEB X>PPER-SiHTn. Hoosc and Ship Job Work Promptly Eiecuted. No. 71 King Street, Honolula. Dk. MeLENNAN. Fort Street, above HoteL Mutual Telephone 682. for olllee; 287 for residence. jy28 KD. C liOAVE. House Sign and Oinamenlal Painter. Manufacture of Liquid Slattng. 62tJ) King Streel. augl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Real Estate and General Auctioneer. Coraer'Fort and Qnecn Strrets. Honolnln Personal atteution given to Sales of Fnrnitare, Keal Estate, Stock and General Merohandise, Unln&l T<Jeohone 23S “FAT BOY." 8AL00N ! P. MdSKKSY, PEoPia«TOR, Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. CoRNEK BeTHKL AXD HOTKL SīS. Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory \V. W. WKJUUT. Propuietor. (Snece»»or t<FG. West). CAKRIAGE BL'ILDING and UFPAIR1NG. AU Ordors from thc Otlier li<Undi< in the C»rriai. , v Knililinp, Trlmmine «nj Painlinp Line «ill Moet wlth Pr<>mpt Attention. Blaek!iinithin<; in AR Ils V«rtou!> Branches Done. P. O. Box 321. Nos. 128 aud 130 ForfStre<‘t. j}19 lj W. S. LUCE Wiue and Suirit Merchant Campbell Fire-proof Blvck, MEKCHANTST. HONOLULU. 71 : B0TH TELEPHONES : 71 —CONSOLlDATED—SODA \VATEB \VORKS OQ. (Ltxrm».) * loniE. ALL pewon* aw xr*me<l not to penuil •bcir «nimal» to tre*.w*»s on U>« Undsi ot Kaaewai »nd Kamoiliūi, l<elon«ing ihe uudersigne<l noe pUat«re. AU fonnd on st»ring on the noe Unos wui oe jmponnded or shot. LENTAI WAI SING KEE. Honolnla. Ang. » »ŌW. &aga»-lmd«r Toi Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 XITANT STKKKT Dealer3 in Ladies‘ Gents -Eaol» aod Shoe» made to order. po Box *** Anchor-;-Saloon Ex ; ‘AUSTIiALIA.” Another Invoice of tho orld Reucwued FREOERICKSBURG UGER BEER On dranght and bv the keg. Also, as a Spcci*lty, Suall Frlsh Califorhia 0YSTERS. koh cockt.auls m»yl 8®*