Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
POUND MASTEK S xotice m b> n*Kv pt»a fc> p*r«.TO* th»> te* k» t! ti» (wnnm#8! « Vti kiki *>» Oel. 14. S-»M I| rtnT?ii »h;K- «ailt ,-ss InaM JOE m ik- r.ih> kiaJ W* 1 wd (cu<M TL o« tW Mt ami i trtt. vkite *yot »b li» for? *»1 oa iW i ai* i?o«a »c l Utc lef> mi *» e«i. * FAny penoo « pmons mis; iImm» ce* tBii «aOioa \xv rraae«ae>l k< .vct m 1 uke (he «ais« oo or h*f. re 12 c’eioek aw.. rRlD4T.Oet.3R. 1S94 WM. R_V 4P.4, Pband Makiki. ls»«, tVt !6-l*ir 290 Ring Up 290 * ; United Carriage Company. M. REIS 1 J.C. OUINN THE COMMERCiAL 8AL00N Harry KleMME, Manager Cor. Nauanu & Borvtat:ia sts. Honolnln. H. I. The Only Sportmg Honse in * Town. O. E*. S. aSpeciality. L0HEXGRIX LAGKR BEER Always on Orangbt. 2 GLASSES E0R 25 CEXTS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAXD. iul tf CITY I)RAYAGE C0, Stand: Queen and Fort Streets. White and Biack Sand. Draying Done at Reosonable Rates. W. F. SnAKRETT, Mas*o«k. Wanted. TW0 Unfurnished Honses of 6to 8 R00MS eaeh. Enqnire of 103 Fori Street. oc!0 eoK.NEK or Nuuanu and BeretaniaStreeU. 561 r- Both 561 G00D, RELIABLE a>d iv27 tf CIVIL DRIVERS. CAL1F0RNIA Wine Company 407 E0RT STREET, Mnnerny Block. J0BBEHS 0F WINE8, and SPIRITS VINQ-:-F/T.:.CHAH —: FumīURE ŪEALĒR8. «X to UJbrB tke {«hik U*i ikj opc«csS • Bnach Slart il No. 322. Nuuana Su % WVr» lk*7 c*rry * twi?ltte lia» ot HEDH»X)M 3ETS, I HAIKA. TABLXS, WAJLDROBE3, «TAXDS, Eu.. Eu , EU'. mm* 8»«*nl st «mihmM» K*mVING FAT CLIAX, Faetorr comt ot Clng *e*l StmP. wpt 6-om»