Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

r * !OpEF^H°LlSE - i s i L. J. LEVEV Less«e , W. R. DAILEY. Mansger :■ ■ — • : f Second Season of >1 •1 > ē ! i { Dailey Stock Co„ uruler the persouaI direction of W'. K. Dailey. Tnesday Evening. OCT. 23. 1894, SIB EDWIX LYTTOS BCLWER’S CLA!>SIC BOXaXCB ;the lady of lyons Wednesday Afternoon, OCT. 24. AT 3 P. M. SPKCIAL FAHMILY MATIXEE Cliarleys Aunt. i Thursday Evening, OCT. 25, 1894. THK QREAT COMEDY-PRAMA “Hazel Kirke. Saturday Evening. 00T. 27. 1894. MIN.ME M ADDERN‘SCOMEDV CREATION ‘Caprice,’ Doors open at 7:30, Curtain will rise at 8 o’eloek prompt. se22 kl XOTI(’E. Daring my absence fn>m theIslands.MR. Horace G. Crabbe is dnly »nthorifKl to receive'and reoeipt for all njpuies dne and owing to me J. W. LUNINO, at my offioe until Noveml>er'AYrd, 1894, at whieh date I will persottallv attend. J. W. LUNIXG. oot 17 th Im E. 1. HAKŪUIA Commissiouer of Private Ways and : Water Rights, District of Honolnln. NOTARY PU BLIC AGENT.to GRANT MARRIAGE LICENSES. i Or?iCE, 308 Mervhant Street. oct 15 ! LONT I A SOUTARY DIAMOND STUD while ) driving helween Sans Sonci and the city. The party who wiil return the same, will t>e liberally rewanletl. CaU at Hawaiian Hotel. Al. H. HALLETT. To Let or Lease, A UOU8E on King «treet, acxt to T K. Walker» premi»e«. cuDCaining i>arlor, din- > sing room, and three bedrooma bcsides I kiiehen, bathroom, stable» anU all modern Aonvcnie«ice«, lateiy occop«ed bv Mr. L>enUon ! ; crte#ian water laid; rvnl moder vtc to res- [ ! poastb!c partv. Address ABRAHAM FERNa>T)EZ. aee Jt-lsn Qriterion, Saloon ! — * NOTIOE is herebv gtYen, that all claims against the CriteTion S*!oom* > i wi!l be scitled by Jas. F. Morgao, j j an<l all onlstanding acconnts due | the CBrrrjuox Saloox and the |jobbing hoose of L. H. Dee up ; to the abore date, are payab.e to ] Mr. L FI. Dle. AH bills against L H. Df.e, I please present immedutely for pavment. L- H. DEE. Hooolula. Oct. 3, 1894 o«l0 3m 3^i Yi£JE CHA.2s T , pgALXB |s Hm’4 Fqe Fspaighiag Qoodg F5ne Tailoiiiig Fin» Chinese aod iapaneae Handkercaf«rls Noa. aito33 Nuuaaa Hoaololu, P.O. Box 253. jjo