Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

o hr Sobmua <t;ilrndar. V / ()CT. 1894. , 2» 30 31 VCHCU« II PO«T. imi vbmu, H i; M S I(v&cinth. M*y, Enqaim«alt. r.JT. m tltrHAxr»rf. ■ * Ain.an», Hn-wi», Ne»-c«*tie, N S W. ;,k w H r>iir.«od, Nf!«on. S F. > >nff Aloha, (»»l)el. S»n KninHnm. > V i M Kell)ev. Ivan«en, Cnj’t //»rbor. v >, An«trklia, Uoa<lk-lte, S F. », >.k 0*kbnd. Sp*ttt«. | i.KI M> X \ l>v| L» t\P»;< TED. N . T |k>l» rtLcwen»... Uvmd I<1 Due j M S H City of IVkitei.Vokoham». -Oct 9 ] ktn< l’l*nter L*yiuin Id....Oct 5 \ - h Ali.'e C<«>k.. ,Pt T<.wnw;ndOct 12 kt Klikitat... .Pt Town>«end.Oct 20 i 1 k Eham-ne N>wca.«>tle,...(Vl 20 ]’.k < u !/.ar Forwa...Newc«eUe Oct 2o ]i.itk KooU>nl*ck.. .Lirerpool Oat 3<) ,v -hr Fv» Fnn*ka Oct 31 II.,» Lk IIiom Ala .NewcMtle.. Nov 1H - >,r Pt>rit»n... .Newc*atie... Nov 30 N r v hip 01»nivOT Newca»tle. ..Nov 30 tier l<k r»nl I»enberg. .Bremen Dec 10 i,iji H F '>Iadc l.irerpool....J»n 30 POKi 71AII, Si:KVIfE, •'iean'nliip* will leave for aml arr ve , ;n *'.m Franci»co »nd other foreign i • , on or ahont tbe foilowing dates, lill tbe eloae of 1894. ;> w> HoKoueu Drt at Hoxolclp I ; Sas Frascisco. Fm. 8as Fraxcis*oo oi Va»cocvkr. ob Vancocver. l’. kine Oot 9 Anstralia Oct. 6 An-tn»lia Oct. 13 Arawa Oct. 24 A!;iine<la Oct. 18 Monowai ....Oct. 25 M ,,w, ra Ni>v 1 Au>itr»lia Kor. 3 \u-tralia ...N<>v. 10 Cliina Nov 12 M»rij—-a Nov. 15 Alameda.... Nov. 22 u-i-ame Nov 19 M;»wora Nov 24 Arawa Dec. 1 An»tralia Doc. 1 Au-tn»lia Dec. 8 Oeeanie I\*c 11 klouowai ....Dec. 13 Mariposa....Dec. 20 Mi ,ta. ... Dec. 31 Arao a Dec. 24 ('hina .Dcc 31 Anstralia....Pec. 29 Tho Panlheon 8aloon is the vlej>ot for the celebrated Enterj>riseBecr, where it ean al\vays be tbund eool and fresh on tap. e iio nol deat in ‘Fn dericksburg r” as the mominp l’aper—thr*mgh sorae inistake has advertiged. Call at the I’antheon for re-freshing drink. J1M D0DD, Proprietor. * Talk about braying asses. Tbe town is full of tbeiu. McBn»yer s wln-koy 5s only to be found at the Empiro Saloon. And when it's found it stays. En. Keqna of ihoEmpire Saloou bas mado a new deal whieh will toucb Ihe hoarts, or at loast the j alate> of many a thirsty wanderer. He keeps •‘half-uud-half” ou dranght and serves a inost de licious aud eool bevorage, far superior to “plaiu ’ boer. se 17 tf J. J. Williama tho well-knowu Artistic Pliotographer is making a specialty of portrnits on atch Dials amī Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sets of Lantorn slides lccturos eau be hnd at tho gallery. For they are sold at a reasonable ligure by tho dozen or by the huudred. * Ilaniwai Hai±i Hdu.se The unders'g ved haviv.g Lkasku ihe well knewn IlaNiwaI Bath lloisk at Waikiki, begs to irf.'nn '\u. that it w'U be run as a Sirictly First-Class BATHtNG RES0RT. Jf€T“ Speci»l Recommeditions for l-idics and Chiidr«m. W. S. 1>ARTLETT, Propr»etor. r.s. Tmo-cars the plaee ocS l'OK lSAl. PLANT9 fiw» U* Urc two aad «w»J be «»« ns* to aaM Vj app»vt«r at Uw P n a. Tho*c laWfcrt«a I» *«» iWaW cot th> oppo«s<a» ». iH-t 13 U. Gust. A. Mauer, UAWAIIA y H0TKI BARBER ImiIkM SJ*u <* fpta~ a <y. Homlulu. aug4