Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 30, 23 October 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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That therc is considerable interest being taken in our propos- | od Volcano tnp is cjuite evident from the various C{ne. tiona asked us. As vre have said before we wonKl like to send you all at onr i expense, but our Quick Sales and Sraall Profit systemot doing business does not leave ns margin i enough for that, so we have been to seo Mr. Chase, the General Passenger Agent at his office, Williams' Art Kooms, and made tbis arrangemont with him, via: | That any personforming Clubs of uot less than ten peopie,[holding oue or morea>f our Sales Tictets] he will ssne a rouud trip tiokyt to the Volcanoat a Ueduce<l Kate. | You ean go whenever you please, but must all go together. He | further says tbat anyone wisbing ;to join the party ean do so indepeudently of the Club if they i have one of onr checks. To those | who wish to make the Volcano trip. now is tbe time to take advantage of the rednced rate. We have so raany new things j to Ulk about this week. it’s bard to know where to begin. but we must eall oor attentian to the fiae iine oi Lad.es’ Uoderwear j just received. | CllEMlSEi>. DRAWERS, »nd NIGHT GOWNS of latest pat- | terns iu all grades. We also e&ll : e&peeial attentiou to some new I desigcs of Ladies’ 8hirt Waist« i just received. Kew gooda are | Wicg openeU daily. Do you want jlogo to the Volcano? lf so yoor Quick 8al«s aod Siaall Pro fil tlekets. yoar Sale Gbetka Yoo may ba tbe lucky one. B. F. EHLE88 & C0.