Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 October 1894 — A NOVELTY. [ARTICLE]

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Hooolalo” •> t!«« til >ii<l :<!«*« s.īfct«l )»•■ M,< ger ley f«rii t- tn»ns;orro.- t»<»u sceiurs t— i * ittindi!cetl iu 'C:a'lereii.«. ' Arli>i , m meiKft(l tfai-* ti>(.>ruing aiul » I w»rk c'kuliunnos>y f r Uo week» oa Uie &cen:c d;~piav. TLe uiort- v<hi eiamiee iare pieeee of bnc a brj<c the uiore vou fin<i t<> ftdai!re nn i tbe sam-> in >v be said of oor visitiug pla\e:s the raore wo s*e of theni the better they appear to tbe eye parti , calariy n» tbey h «ve beeu tml nre beingcdiied uj>o:« t > carefa!ly portr «y a wīde nnge of dram itic <Tcat ons :u:d *l«eir “mirr>ruf n «tare displ.iys «u <ny conap!ex char «cters. U«« Saturday eveoing they preseuted the »tandard comedy “Our Boy» an<l while soa«e bits of stage action mav have been omittcd or ncglected. as h whole it was truly enjoyable. ihe pieee wus well cast and Messrs Hullett, Soott, Belmonr uud ]Sannary of t!io mee aud all t:ie l.idies were excellent. Miss >c xiuoyer ad<led fresl« 1 fe to a 4Qiot comedv sceue by executing a b .ek d«nce in eapilal style und was \\ .n««ly encorcd. This vvee<\ s bdi co.n.ue>«ees w.th l,ord Lyitons L <dy i.f Lyons in whieh Miss I>.ilgleish excells. 1 bero are but 12 nu ie perfortn—auces >ud t!ie p«ib ie «• >11 hardiv ailoiu l<< <i■ i<<:«e «;f the bills <d fered.