Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KAHEHAMEHA GIRLS! SCH*OOL. - ī'k i£Tm of K*w*hMs*eh* Scbool iill ot*3 Mooiiftr Nov€mN?r Apptīeatk>ns for »itwii—>rin. m*T be iddr*»e>i ts> Mj« P»p* «ther st Kuaehiwo* ( MmmI or its» Pop*. w.U U in {!*? H*w«- , ii«n Kooa Qa«c Eiom < H* l, S*isriiT awrmiir* frr>u: 5t-l- wbere sb« w-O be p'- t»d so meet sppiicu:ts. Tb« t-itioa i* tiity do!Ui» ifōO • * Te4r. No rt*c»ats re«* T ?d onder 12 t«« of •§«. I Oct. Il-lm. — ■ -■ 1 CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf & C'.. has rpirore,i to Ar- I li: gt n B;<'ck l(otel Street. where they will be better ab!e to «erve ,\nd their P.,trons. Will keep on hand al! the latcst papers. B*x>k Stati-Hiery. Periixucals& N’oveities, in all branches of the trade. se 14 tf ; A Complete Hunting Outfli. Oue lrsh Setter bitch of the best blood in America; registered in the A. K. S. B. and p rtly broken. One l’ointer b tch by the ce!ebrated GIeubeigh that c< stS1000 m Engl«nd. Ooe Fup five weeks o!d father and mother thoronghbreeds. Oue Buckboard bui!tespeoially j for hnnting pnrposos. One 1- g.iuge L. C. Sni th gnn as good ne.t and in fine order. The above oatfit will be so!d eheap Kuquiro of W. H. CUNNINGHAM. Aucbor S;iloon. seplt> tf POUND MASTER’S NOIIOE Notice is hereby given to all persouā. that there is at the tiovernment Ponmi at ilakiki, one straye<l red branded KA on ihe right hind leg, white spot on the forthead and on the back, both hiud feet ore shodod. 1 white sUlliou branded indiscribable. Au> peiāon or persoas owaed this m.ire are re<juested to eome and take the sameon or bofore the dav of sale, 12 o’eloek noou OCT. 27, 1'iU. WM. KAAPA, Poond lla«;er Oft.lS-lw. BEDS of W0VEN WIRE! The Luxury OF THE I9th Century A M|*sterioiis Tale. Did anybody ever hear how the haoana fir»t •aras grown, Tow thc milk got in the eoeoanui; »hcn mango seed was so*n; From whenee the natives eame to people this falr land. And when tbey died, where lhey all weat, thc | hapi‘V da*ky band* Tbese fact* are a.'I my*terion*. and no »olo- ' tion jrt, And lhere’» otber mysteries qaitc as deep } whieh are not fa;bomcd yet; Who m it rma the opium rinf. got ln thc 1 liqnor free, Ilow wa» U Ca»tom» raen weie hlind, detec- j tiv<» ooald’nt aee* Who*e roing to be the Tammtay King of } tli« oo*l piou* town, WhoT! »tart tbe Sho w, to whem »hall we a!l plank the down, Wao will he Bo»«, aad run the firro, who | will the Bocklev be. Tv do it oa the Frisco plan of ihe tireat Kepehiie free* Oae thms we kaow that B \ILET’S BEDS are »ade of WOVEX WIUE, They eive n* co«fort. peaee a»‘ rest, aad are } aU that «e de»ire. Hr take« ao p«it In poUties. bat doc« the ! bf«2 he eia. To pleaae hi» frieada, a»d ohow thaf he’* the ! WOVE>* WIEE MAN J WOVEN WIRE BAILEY, Manufaciurer Of WOYEN W!RE Beds, Hoiel Stwet, Hoaolulu, (next ! dfor t > Hom’a 3teain Bakery.) 5old by AU RfispectablE B=algrs, *Q| 14-lno