Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

St-ptemb*r 1”, 1804 If we remember oorrectly tbe ! ■‘Charle5ton‘* was thefi.rstof the I “ Whiie Sqoadron T to vis;t luln. Her arrival on her second | cru ; se is st:ll in the minds of j people who were here on Janmry *29. 1S91. When with li £* at b , ilf-mast and yards cock-bailt I she entered port with the bo<ly ■ of King Kalakaua, the kind attentions shown by the officers to the King dur ;g the voyago to the United States .v d the. a’.most sacred manm r in whieh the bodv was guarded whilebe;ng borne to the I» ands. end- ared tbe ‘ Cbarleston” to the peo; !e of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the j>eople, tueir api'reciation wss sbown to the officers daring their stay and when sailed they left graven on t.blets of love ar.d raemory,evidences of their A!ohu f r Hawa.i. Few, if nny, of the officers who were here then are on tbe vessel now; sorae have reached tbe age of retiremeut and others ■ have gone to oth?r vessols but the CharIeston is still greon in ; the beart tiie Hawaiians. \ Have you ever used a Pansy !St>ve? We have ibeen selliug thern for ionr or five years and to day they wear ihe “Yellow Coat” in the ernpire of stoves. j They are recognizod by every one, even dealers : n other stoves. as a snperior art cle and one whieh they do not eme to run np against. 0f conrse st >ves raay be bought from people who are aot dea!ers. We have people runniug herc every day or two for fire br:cks and parts belong-| iug to stoves they have bought from other parties, and uhen they find they canuot get tbera tliev discard their stoves and bny a “Pansy.” You see there is a disadvantage in bnying dear tbiugs at lew prsces. Oome to us and get a Pansy at $15 00 and you get full value for your money. Yoa do;i’t get a 875.00 range for fifteen miud you, but you get a lirst dass ‘stove tbat is worth Thirty dollars to any ono Onr īleady Mited Paiuts aro smted to tlio wants of peoplo who have a little painting they waut to do themselves. Tho advantago in bnying a prepared paiut is that you have tho benefit of tlie bcst iui\erg in the United St .tes without having to pay for it. Tlie paiut is ready for nse directly yoa take the top otf the ean and if you don’t find it eheap er and better tban arv vou ean mi.< vcurself we le uiistakea iu our experience lu California the i ainters are ns;ng tho pr‘pared article in prefere:.ce to bnying lead and oils beciuse thev fiud it r . to their advantago to do so We bol:eve it is only a q';estion of time whea the painters bere willi . f ill into line. Hanging lamps aro in as great demand now as ever. People ! seem to want something for Hghting purposcs that will give as good light as the sun—lhey fi;.d it in the lam; s we are giving away. Our eheap stand lamps are an eieelleni thing for a servauts room and will find a ready sale in the Island stores. We ean supply aay demand. for a «ing!e lamp or for a thonsand. There’s Lots of Hawaiians j whose Ko!eanas need fencing : and we have tho wire witb whieh : to do it. We havealso the ma- j teml for building a fence tbat will last uniil long after the millenium. Instead of paying a high prics for posts, or even getting them for the cattmg. your fenco will cost you less m >ney if j you buy steel sta>"S and wasbers and mako a Joncs Locked fecce. We hive everythiug yoa want in the bardware «nd house fornishing goods line you wish. i Aod we court investigation as to iheir qnality and pricea. I Tte Eanui Ca, »07 FortStmel