Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 ʻOkakopa 1894 — NOW AND THEN. [ARTICLE]
• At a sp-cial election held ;n 1888 W. C. Wilder and H. W. Schmidt were opjx>sing caudi dates for legis'ative honors. As the two g- ntleraen are to t!ie ; front again. ihis time n tbe j s.vi.e ticket it may be of inteiest to bear some extracts of wl)at “Bumps” told “Jinks” in the ; Adverti«er at tbat first election lf it wasn’t for the date on tbe 1 Adverli*er Ihe couversation raigbt as well have been believed to ! have takeu |)lace at this inning: : “1 say, Buuips,'’ says Jiuks, wbat \vas tbat l.»st 'leelion tbey liad in August, for ? I thougbt vou told mo tbo otber day tbat tbey ’lected tbe bull gang last yoar, and besides, thut meas*y paper I was telling yon about onlv to!J about two fellers running an’ one bein TecteJ.’ “ Qb, I tell you bow tbat \vas, Jinks. You sce tbe legislature lost one ol tbeir mees —au’ it was a great loss too — an’ a mau bud to be Tected to fill bis plaee. Ho a lot of covics was cbosen as Je!igates an’ tbey eome togetber iu tbat same j>lace wbere tbe legislatui’ au’ tbe Court meets, | au’ they bad quite a spree. Tbe ! t\vo men who waa runuin’ \vas WilJer and Schmidt. They \vas both gooiI men, *our ’stecmed feller citizens,’ as they was eall- ; eJ an botb \vas possesseJ uf snbstuntial bodies. au’ cousider able human nator’. Neither uv i tbem \vas adJicted to politics, un’ ut first neither of tbora seemeJ to care mueh about it. But after they began to tbink it over uu’ the j>aj>ers toh\ what great meu they \vas. an’ e.ieh founJ out the otber was runnin’, tbey began tcr tiiink if it \vasn't iheir duty to sacnfice their selves. Schmidt seemed ter bo the first ter have a reali/.ing son.se of his, friends founJ tlmt out. it seemeJ to settlo the matter all ter onee, an’ Wilder concluded ter sacrifice his self too. It was hard to tell whieh did sacrifice most. For it was mightv iuconvenient for Wilder ter leavo his biziniss, an’ ScbmiJt haJ some beautiful clo’es ho useJ ter \vear ou big occasions. If Wilder was ’iectod be\l bave tcr leave bis biziuiss, au’ if Schmidt \vas ’iecteJ he’d have ter leave lns clo’es. 1 tell you SchmiJt did look hanJsome in Ihem clo’es, au’ he had a royal stej> au’ you’d thiuk him nii’ snra Kiug was twinx. Bnt Wilder \vas au old dimicrat, an’ he saielled j>owJer. an’ ho says *by Gineral Jackson au all the imj>s uv freo UaJe I Jon’t wani ter, but 1 got ter’. Au’ Scbmidt sa\s Jouuor wetter, soraebody hoU rae, or tbo cork’il blow out an’ l’ll spatter all over.’ As usu-.il tbe victims was \vonJerful porlite ter eaeh otber all aloug ’till tbe eonvontiou met. Au’ tbey was eacb tillej \vitb anxious thougbts about tbe conJition nv theeoaotry; an’ how they nevcr coald bave eonseuted ter ruu baj it not beeu for the great *crisis in tbe ‘fairs us tbe nation:’ au’ there wasn’t uo boiiy elso fit ter ruu; an’ tbey wonJereJ tbey’d never preciatod before what a dignity it was to be a Noble, an’ as tbey tbought it over they w.\s sorprised tor find how unsuited the other was for the office. Schmivlt walkeil about soft un’ qnite like, an’ iucreased more aa’ raore; au’ Wild er sj>eut consiJerbul time leaniug np agin the hoose on tho siJewalk. with his hat over bis eyes, tvistiug h s watcb elmia au' ning to fellers ou tbe 'inside’ wbo didu't vaut ter iuterfere,’ but ‘ jess tbo’t they’d meolion it. yoa kuow.’ V ’• Wall, as I was about ter s*y, the eveaing eame. Tbesacrīfic*s afore tbey ieft home. told their S vives they dida’t care tvo piu» about it, ao’ thev boj>ed tbey wouUn’i git Tected. But somehov they vasu’t bongry mueh at dinner. an’ vas eroes, au’ put on their best clo’es an’ aliekeii their hair, an’ wus an hour too early lor tbe sbow. an’ as they se( mo-dest-like in back se»,ts they hitcbed aboat an’ acted like young gals at their first party. “A oommittee on revolu$ions rej>orted eomethin that jiagh-J pretty «ell bat didu’t meau nolbiu/ an’ then oae feiler sed he that tho*( ‘)ej\er8 an’ Cbinese was too prevaleut * An’ tbat fe!l«r, wbat has a billiard room down lowo, jumpe up au says > *yes, we
uiust put 3 pliiuk iu tbe CLineōe,’ an’ tbe c-rowd hollered an’ 8cr*p ed their feet. An another feller mored tfaat thev ‘insert a Cbinese »n their aote-platforra ' an’ the crowd hollered lowder »till* An’““ thea maHe tbe comoiitteo gob ick an’ briog in anotber revolotion Wben they eame back ao read it ibe e tu> sucu screecLiu’ 1 cou!d un y Le»r j*art of it, bat tbere wa-> soioetbiu’ about Jefiuite «a eom prehensive Ch ne»e restrictiDg tbi» country, ao’ ‘immigratmg mjostice. an' s cb like. After they got tired shout i.g one feller gol up an’ nomiuiited Mr. Scbmidt au’ anotber uominated Mr. W*ilder an’ everjbody bollered i iowder eaeh time. “An’ tbt*i the c;indid:ites was called npon to spread tbeirselves. Wilder he got opan’ spoke.bulall I coald bear betwe-n the hollerin’ was somethin’ like this.‘he bado't tbot iiv loonin’ ootil the idea had occorred to him; an' j that if any man deserted h ; s partv he hoped he’d sink so deep tl.ev'd have tercut tbe liue; ao' ■ th»t if he was nomiu ted he’J vofe» t*ar Schra:dt’ bit he’d be I bl«>w <1 if he wouKl under any I othor circuuistauces, that Ke ; w a s n ’ t ’cnstomed t e i puhlie sp akin.’ bot Le hud the best Nor’wtst iamber m town, »t twenty-six doIIars a thousand. but as l'm tellin’ you may be 1 didn't get it jess right. Tben you oterheared tbem howl. “When they eased up a little Schmidt he waltzes np, an' Iets o ;t 13ut it’s no usa fer me to try ter tell it j-ss as he sed it. Near us 1 eouhi recolleot it was hke this - . He sed he fully aj)proved uv Wdder’s sentiraents about siuking to the bottoiu of the sea. an’ hoped to start soon; t!iat lhey ail knew how distasteful it was ter hira to oeenpie any high position, but his frieuds wanted hira ter be elevated, an’ he jess loved the party so that be couldn’t bold in. He said he didn’t believo in tbose maehine guns, but would rather trust an old fashioned harthat he stude there alone ready ter let drive as soon as she eaine up ter blow again; as fer the Chinese, his sentiments was well known (ha!f cash, halanee siity days, one per cent.); tbat no bank owned hira, au’ he owned uo raissionaries, that he was pnre five stur-take it-straight “By that tirae tho gale blew everything out of the bolt ropes; an’ Schiuidt eame to anchor. ‘ Then Wilder got np agin, an’ sed he wasn’t ware that the crew httd ospected speeches about au-te-platform Chinese, bnt lie wished it distinctly anderstood that he’d like ter furnish tfle luraber ier the platform. An’ they liollered agiu.”