Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
lo\/eJoy &co. • • Wljoie$aIe Wiije \ LiquoP ūeale^ I 19 Nuuauu 'lrwt We wua!<i eall y»ur illenlion lt>! Our a! lt i» !- Long!ife <% Pure Cream RYE WH!SKEY. Fredericksburg BEE\ au2 in eaak» or bottle# M\1 kE Tr E TC. : | Cortu*r Klii'4 auul AUkea Sfn - t* I ‘atorsi i Ft Ft«i v StMuncr from Su Friu cUco, with Fresh Fruit, Oysters, { Safmnn. Pou/try, Etc- Etc., F.rc., Etc »rot 6, ’iH-'.,. faniarino's Refiwi MACHINE MADE d * poi: i FACTOKY. : : KAUHI. 'faro P!ant», Fret>h Toj>» an»l Uaa Taro at nll tin:ef. Ring l T p Mulual Telephonc 577 ! Hell 34A. W. L. W1LC0X, jy25 Manager. | Fred. Harrison. 1 C0NTRACT0R ANO BUIL0ER The Leading Bnilder IN IIONO.J Ll . !( Kfltimatr8 g vm ou »11 kimi* I I r*f Brick, īr»n, Stone an<J SVoo«leii u iiiding->. J -hbtng of ali kiniin. Bui!dlog Materiai f»r Sa!e. 510 • and 512 Kmg Str*et. Res:deoce Te!eph»ne, Bel! 2.'7. • P. O. Boi 1L oc2-tf < !Cong Branch -8ATHWG-j Establishment. Thta Firat«Cla»» Batbing K »«rt ha* b*en et)itrged and i» now ooen t» Ihe pub ic. It i« the b*«t plaee oe tb« t»istid» to ei j<-r a Bath. *nd there i» i»u better nlaee to Iar ofi. Speca! »cc«muK)d»tH»n» for L» - di«L Trj m-in ps*» tb» d «or erery half boar, »nd <»n S»turdvjr» »nd Sund»y» ev«v fiftewo amiute«. C. J. SHERWCX)D. jr24 Fr7pmut.