Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFAUI,\NE .V C*) f)- n *r< i,f fl7/ii»jr SitfriLi ► «!tcnuan Sir» T t, lloi>.»lq)n. H E Mc!NTYRE * UIU). Oi:ocKf;v. Fkld Hruni; Ja Uakkbt. Coruer of K:n« h*»<1 Fort St*.. Honoluln J. PHILL1P8, FKACTICAL PLUMEEU, GAS.FirrEB JOFPER-8MlTfI, ilou.se aml Ship Job Work Proraptly ExecuteJ. No. 71 King Street. Honolul i J)k. MeLENNAN. Fort Street, al>*ve Hotel. Mulual Teiephone t>S*2. for efflce; 287 lbr resideDcr. jy28 KD. C aOWE. Hov*c Sign aml Oinnnunia! Painfer. M •iuifjctur.- of I.iquid S! »t!ng, (»20 King Street. angl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Keal E.state and Auctioueer asul Queco Stre«ts Honolnln I Pemonul nttentiou g : von to S:tle8 of Furnitnre, ReuJ Estnte. Stock aml Oeneml Mer<?bahdise. Untna1 Toleolioue “ FAT B0Y.” 8AL00N ! P. MrINERNV, Prophietor, l Fine Liquors. Wines and Beer. ( , 0B*iKii I3j.thkl and Hotkl Sts. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory ® - \V. \V. \VRK»HT, Phopk»to«, (8ucoes.«or to (.. We*t). /''aRR1AGE BITLDI*G ahd KEPAIRISG. V 7 All OrUor» frotn thc Othor I«land« in the CwrUge Buildiog. Tnnsmiug and Palnting Line *Ut Mect with Prornpt Attcntion. Blacksmithing iu Aii Its Varimis Bmnchcs Done. P. O. Box S21. No». vid l:k> FortStrect. )īPly W.S.LUCE Wine and Snirit Merchant Oamphell Fire-proof Block, MEP»CHANTST HONOLELU. 71 : B0TH TELKPH0XE3s 71 -C0 NSOLIDATEP — S0DA -\VATER W0RKS -: C0. (Ln<rrTKO.) * \OTlC'K ALL ix*rsona are xrarned no» to p«rnbt »heit aiumals 10 tres»pass on th« Unds o( Kanewai and Kanioiliiii. iteionging the nndersign©d ri« pUnlew. , AU fonnd on strajnng on U»e nee Unds wiil be impounded or shot. lentai wai sing kee. Houolulu. A«g. «9 18W. »ug2»-I««r Toi Wo Wing Kee Co. S6 NUL’ANU STHEKT D»tlcrs in Lud‘w®’ A Genfe aod Sho«s nmde lo order. PO Box »5? IAnchor-:-Saloon j Ex m AUSTRALIA, w : Auother Invoice of tho orfd KenowueU FREDERICKSBURG I UGER BEER On dr»nght and by U»e keg. Also, as a Spccialty. SUALL FRiSH CAUFORSIA 0YSTERS. POH OOCKXAlL8