Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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GONSALVES K > p« ob Ewi x Sajji.T oi Um Ttrr Best Pioūeep Soap !■ Cwn of *X. ii, SK »> »3 1 rj Bor> meh. THIS 90-1? 18 THE Finest īaported Here. 8PKTIAL PRICE3 FOR 5 C.\5t9 IN LOTSMIPH 4 COK Ce!ebrated Brands of SCOTC’H WII1SKEY BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley’s OLD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NION Extra, Specia 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LIQUELR SCOTCH WhISkEY. lj« THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON Harry KlEMME, Manager Cor. Nunanu & 6eretania sta. Honoluln. H. I. The Only Sporting Honso in Town. O. S. a Specialiiv; LOHENCiRlN LAOEK BEER Always on Draogbt. 2 GLASSES KOR 25 CENTS. Be$t of Wines, Liqnors, and Cis*ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. iul tl CITY DRAYAGE C0, Stand: Queen and Fort .Street J . White and Black Sand. Draying Done al Reasonable Rate«. W. r. 8HARRETT, Miimi Wanted. TW0 Unfarnisbeil Housos r-f 6 to 8 ROOMS eaeh. Enquiro f 103 Fort Sireet. oelO MEDEIROS & Co. Merchant Tailoi>'' Amanean, Englwh u>d Scolch Twecd* on hand. Fint'cUv< work gaxrxnlee‘\. Kolel unAor Axlingt >a Holel L . Honolila. — S. D. CKKK, Man ai >r * moa. C2H i nh P2£5 JS m\v CORNER CP Nuuanu and Beretania Street*. 5«1 Trljephojie9;-' S 5dl GOOD, RELIABLE a.vd W27 tf CiVIL DB1V£RS. WAJS3TEI). Aa Houāekeepei or nors« i • |xp«rienced nurae just fro:u tne u.8. wiil leave the laiand to nnr>eInquire at HoLomua Okekk. oct8 8tad