Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Removal il£l&ce Co. H.\VE MOVEP TO Morgan's - Auctlon - Rooms (or m «bv>rt tiaK. W« mrem(U] *elthnt Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL. AT.CER0BA aml KINOLINO WOOD in mn; qamntit;, Both T«kfhoiw tll aa« Pioneer Shlrt Factory ESTABLlSOED A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor. Fort St.. Honolulu. (UpeUlm) Good Fil CONSOLH>ATED SODA WATER CO. (LnimEO.) ESPLA X ADE: Cor. Allon ind Fort Stm. ; t Honolula 110LI.ISTER A 00.. A(«mti. F0R 8ALE. A FINE *■ MIDNIGHT ” STALLI0N oolt beloogĪBg to P. D. l!*enberg. The eolt emn be seen mt the P.\XTUE0N ST \BLE (rom to-morrow. 1 1. The Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Fipgt*cla$ [lou^e IN EVERY KESl l ECT. Rons ffoi $150 to $3.00 ner feet or 50c. per Day. PAULLEMKE. PROPRIETOR. . Bell TelenhoriP 132. nug 22 NOTICE TO Vlsitirs, Pienie Parlies. Lnaos —AND—- * GENERAL PUBLIC S At Smith’s Bas avd Livkrv Stable, Kisq Street. [Adjoining Metropolitan Meat Market.] 1« the Chempest Plmee in Tovn yon emn gel " ” * ■ Sodd!c Bnasem, Wagonetic», Bnggies ind Honem. lt vill pay yon to emll a before rou try elsevhere. Mutaal Telepbone 408 mngl-tt lee sung kee, 49 KINO 8TREET. TrXSMITH, axd DEALER IN OLA88•vrmre, Crockerjr, Cocd-OU 8torw, Wmter I »a AJ1IU Hnnehee Fmiih- 1 fnily £xecnted. jjl8-ly NOTICEDnring my aheenee fi coontry after tbe dep*rtur “0~an| c ’» f or ehina Ch:: will have fuU cbargo of m nesa and aifkira generaily. Wailuko, Sept 24. THOS- LIN13SAY 208 Merchaut 3treet Honolulu. New Siort, new Jewtlry Gold t Silver and JeweSry Manofactnre to order. Waiehea cle«ted and repaired, In < w4-tf t® t. a. Mr to