Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 29, 22 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I F|AW^!I/\N OpEf\Ay h|0llSE L J. LEVEY I^H«e W. R DA!LEV Menag-r e i Second Season of * I)ailev Stock Co., i umler t!ie pers>o&I directioa t>f \V. R Dailet. Tuesday Erening. OCT. 23. Is04, <IR KOWIN I YTT >N BVLWKR*S CLASS;. KOHaNOE THE LADY 0F LY0NS Wednesday Afternoon, OCT. 24 T 3 P. M. -PEOI.U. fakuii.y mati\ek Charley's Aunt. Thursday Erening. <>CT. •>.>, 18!>4, THK (i II "AT COMEDY-DBAJIA “ Hazel Kirke." i I Saturday Evening. ()CT. 27. is‘>4. MINNIE M A DDEI(N *» COMEDY ( RE \TION ‘Caprice,’ Doors ope» at 7:30, Curt;iin will rise at 8 o’o’.oek prompt. se22 t<l LAD1ES’ C0LUMW. Tbat thero is oonsiderable interest being t;iken iu our proposed Volcano tnp is quite evidont from tbe various ijuestions asked us. have said before we wealel Hke to senJ you all at onr expense, bnt onr Qniek Sales and Small Protit systemoi doing bnsi- \ uess d.>es not leave us margin enongh for that. so we havo been to seo Mr. Chase, the General Passenger Agmt at his olliee, Williams’ Art Kooms, and m ido this urrangemont with him, viz - That any personforming Clubs of ! not Iess tban ten people,[bolding one or more of our 8ales Tickets] he wiil ssue a ronnd trip ticket to the Volc.inoata Rednced Rate. You ean go whenover yon pleaae, i but must all go together. He farther says that anyone wishing to join tho party ean do so independently of the Clnb if they have one of onr checks. To those who wish to make the Volcano trip, now is the time lo take advantage of the rednced rate. We have so raany new thiugs ; to talk about tbis week, it’s hard to know where to begin. bat wo must eall onr attentian to tbe tiue line of Ladies’ Underwear jost recoived CHEMISES, DRAWERS, and .\IGHT GOWXS of latest P atin ail grades. Wc al»> eali especial attention to some new desigr.s of Ladies' Sbirt Waists jnst receiTetI. \ew goods are being openeil dai ly. Do you want to go to tbe Volcano? lf so yonr Qaick Sales and Siaa!l Pro fit tickets. Save ail yonr Saie Chects. Yon may ba tbe lncky one. B. F EHLtRS & C0. | NOTICE. D. Ho»ard Hitcbcock bas reopeneU bus claases in drawicg acd paintiug at his CUss-Room oo I HoteI St Class instroetions given ererr Wedneadaj and Satnrdaj from 3 ; p. M-, to 13 p. *. I Appiieaiioa for tbe Inll tenn * should be made at ooee. lv