Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ARRIVED ;i^USJ^ALl/\." French ar.J Scotch Gingh.un3 (m w) ... KV. , 20o v I . Victoria Lawns (new). 10 yda for 7.ōc. White Dr ss Goods (uew).. 10o.. 15c.. 2V.. ioo., 30c.. White anJ CoIoreJ Dimitie3 [new] 20c. auJ . L!aunelletts. «11 colors, (new) 10 yds for oU maiim—“There is nothing new nn ! >r t i san” —knocked ont. Cail and be convinced. M. S. LEVY. Who is now s“tt'ed in Benson. Smith Sc ('<>, -| OKl StanJ, Fort Street
POUND MASTEKS NOTK'K Notice »3 hereby given to all peisons th«t there »re at the 1 Governmeut l'ouml a Makiki | s : nce the tirst ‘hiA* of Oct 1894, 3 horses ami a eow 1 bay niare i with a little w!iite spot at t!ie 1 foreb«ead, branded J C on the left hind leg; 1 brown mare, no br*nd on; 1 cream iuare with a . little white sj>ot «t the forehead. All the fonr legs white. Bnuded K ou the left h : nd leg; 1 red eow ino brund, right ear clioped ott thns A—.VAny ptrson or persous ownirig tliese animala are requt»st€tl to eome *nd tako the saiue on or before 12 o’eloek uoou Oct. 13 1894, SATURDAY. \V.m. Kaapa Pound Master. Makiki Oot 1, 1894. nct4 PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. BA 14 i;RV nn<l lee Cream Parlors! HORN m 1863 111 1894 W' l3fVRACTICAL C()N FEC T1 <)N I :n and ORNAMENTER /n all hra»cht* of lht Inuine** on the*e island*. Americmn, Enelinh. Genn*n »nd Krcnch PASTKIES M«de to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Mmde ol the Very Bost Maleiial mnd at KeamooaMe R»te*. Family Graham &. Fancy Bread Alwao* on Hand. ALL COXFEfTIOXKRY Mannf»ctured «t My EMab)u>hmcnt Are Gu*r»nt--cd to Ur Pure and Sold at Pneeā no othcr esUMi«bmcnt eau cumpete «ith. &T FACTORT AND STOUE, Na TI Hotel Street, H-uolulu. Both Telcphonc« No. “4. L. 0. KERR’S ANNOUNCEMENT! H VVE JTST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . FIXE SUIT1.NGS, ELEG A N T3PA TTERNS, A. DXATEST STlTĒT. These good* will he soLi in aur Qoaatitj frem a I00JTaed6 Down T« uEs«coh ( to Make a Sixoi x }• un ! -AXD AT— B1B0 T1IE8 PEieES! V B. KEHM. . . Uipo TK 5
W* > v»; ] c c C V' P torr/^r.9j iT’8AT0S8UP Soraetimes \vliere to t,> [rcbnse nny pnrticalar arti’le ' not if yon liappen to vmt iuvthing in the line of £rtists’ £upplies, PictuK pranes or enlnrgeil portrait«, there i-» bnt ono plaee in Honolnln. to pnrclmseail materials, aiul th»t’a KUi6 BBOS 81 i r there is no rival on thev) Jslands. The finest paintings in Haw»ii, are on exhibition, iu this ga.,ory. The firm makcs n specialtv ol onh«rging portraits as well m)«king picture fraraes iu the very latest styles of monldiogs. In tbe sheet pictores, tliey have thnnsands to s**lect fiorn <>l whieh tbey invite an inspoctii a at «oy timo. KIXG BU()S-, HotelStreot, : : ; II-nolala aug 2o-lnidiy. POIJND M,\STEirS N( )TICE. Notice is hereby giv*n to aU persons that tliere are at tbe Goverumeni Ponud ai M<u:ki, 1 cream rrure nu brand, wh te f<-et on rght side; 1 browi> h r brande<l VE on r glit h5n.! hp. white 1 on buck. - »bite (<pot on hip; 1 br<»wn maiv br« <1* ed l r on lelt bind hip; 1 < he?tnut mir- nol bnmd; 1 r»n ra <re «ud 1 young horee br<u l <i' PH on ueek; I bay horso bra i AF < u Lii.d hip. Any person or persons ow - ing these borses. nre rec[Ut-te : tu eome and t«ke the sun»e on cr before 12 «/ehiek noou, SatuuUy. October “2 >, 1894. Wm Kaapa, P<mud Mu«t»-r. Makiki Oct 8. 1894. oct9 t:• IM. Moiikawa CITY SHOEINGSHOP BhTHKL STRKEr, Xext door to Biy Hor?e >A!c*oaBLACKSMITH WORK A- nP CARRI.aQE RBPAIR SG AT BEDllOC x Pi!lCE? Giro me a eall and Judijd •* \ ouxself. Oet 2h ® E. B.JiKOlJli CuminiiMK>a r of Priv»w Uigtitr ( Di»frie oi Hoi.o;<i.notaky peaue A.(.£.<r t to OiUN l“ AUiUiA i . .ew 3 *: &*** •**