Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 28, 20 October 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
September 17, 1894 If we remember correcl!y tbe I “Charle>t >n” wjs the first of the i ‘‘Whiie Sqaadrnn’’ to vis«t Honolula. Her arrival on her seconJ j cra : se is siill in the miods of | people who were here on January •-*9. 1891. When with fl>gs at h’«lf-ra3st and y»rds cock-bailt she entered port with the body j of King Kalakaaa, the kind attentior.s shown by the officers to 1 the King dur ; ng the voyage to the United States and the, al1 raost sacred m mner in whieh the bo<ly «as gnarded whilebeing borne to the Is’arids, endeared the “Cbarleston” to tho peoi>le of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the people, t..eir appreciation was shown to the 1 officers during their stay and when saded tbey left graven ou t blets of love and memon*. evidences of their Aloha f >r Hawa 1. Few, if any. of the ofticers who were bere then are on the vessel now; some have reacbed tho age of retirement and others have g>ine to oth t vessels bnt the Cbsr!estfti is still greon in the heart of the Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy St >ve? We bave been selling them for fonr or five years and to dav they wear the “Yellow Coat” in the erapire of stoves They are recognii:ed by ev>rv oue, even dealers in ot!ier stoves. i as a snperior artido and one whieh they do not care to run up j agaiust. 0f course stoves may be bought from people who are not dealers. We have people ruuuing here overy day or two for fire br cks nnd parts belonging to stoves they have bougbt s 1 from other parties, aud wheu fthay find tliey cannot get thom tliev discard tbeir stoves and bny a “PaHS}‘.” You- s*e there , is a disadvantage in buying dear jthings ut low pnces. C»me 10 us and get a Pansy at 00 and j : vou get full valne for yoar rao- > ney. Yoa don’t get a $75.00 | range for fifteen dolftrs, miud » votii, but }ou get a first class t stove that is wortb Tbirty dollars | to any one Our Ready Mited Paints are snited to the wants of i>eop!e who liave a litt!e painting tbey want to do theraselves. Tlie advant;tige in bnying a prepnred paint is that yon have the benefit of ' the best raixers in theUnited Stites withoat having to pay for it. The paint is ready for nso directly yon take the top ott’the ean and if yoa don’t find it eheap . j |or and better than auy youc»n • mix vcurself we ;.re mistaken in our experience In California the |i>ainters are using thepr*pared . article in preferonce to bnyiug i lead and o;ls bec mse tbey find it ; to tfaeir advantage to do so We ■ bel eve it is only a q ;estion of time when the painters here will 1 tall into line.
I Hanging iamps are in as gre«t | iletaand now as ever. People seem to want sointtbing for ligbt- [ porpost-s th.«t will give as good ligbt as tbe snn—theyfi’<d it in tbe lamps ne are giving a- ' war. Oar cbe »p stand lnm|>s are an excellent tbing for a servaots room and vill find a ready sale in tbe Island stores. We ean snpply any demand for a siogle lanporfora thoosand. Tbere‘s lots of Hawaiians wlose Knleanaa need fencing and ve bave the wire vith whieh ta do it We h»vealso the raaterial for bni!ding a feuce tbat will last nntil loag after tbe mileoiom. Instead of p»ying~a bigh price for posts. oreven getting tbem for tLe cnttiog. yonr fence will cost you iess m ney if you bny steel suys and vasbers and m-ike a Jones Locked feoce. We h*ve erarything yoo v*nt m the bardvare *nd boose faroisbing gooda Lne yoa wiah. And ve conrt inTeetigation as to their qoalih’ *nd prices. TSc EaiMi Miīr ,Ci 807 FortBtn»K